Amazingly, on average, 98 of the 100 monkey portfolios beat the 1, 000 stock capitalization weighted stock universe each year.
Answer: America is still a quarter of the global economy and third of its stock market capitalization.
The world outside the U.S. accounts for 60% of the stock market capitalization.
Over the 20 to 30 years before the financial crisis it tripled as a percentage of GDP or stock market capitalization.
The world outside the U.S. accounts for 65% of stock market capitalization.
Stock market capitalization peaked at 170% of annual gross domestic product and has slipped to about 110% since, but that is still double the historic norm.
The average American investor holds between 75% and 90% of his stock investments domestically, even though the U.S. represents less than 50% of the global stock market capitalization.
To emphasize the "modest but tailored" approach of the law, Ms. Mitchell notes that companies affected by the Jobs Act will add up to only 12% of exchange-listed companies, amounting to just 3% of total stock market capitalization.
Bonuses, until recently, were tied to market capitalization and stock movement over six-month intervals.
On the other hand, ABB is one of many companies under the umbrella of Sweden's Wallenberg family, who control, directly and indirectly, over 40% of the Swedish stock market's capitalization.
So gold stock investing for the typical large capitalization equity manager is a peripheral sidelight.
The 914 companies that are now listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange have a total market capitalization of RMB 17.7 trillion and trade at an average of 16.1 times earnings.
For example, Bill Gates personally is worth almost twice as much as the total capitalization of the Thai stock market, and he and Warren Buffet are worth about as much as Malaysia.
Another critical variable in every stock market relates to which sectors dominate the capitalization of the index.
Its growth rate is suspect, but it's trading under 12 times 1999 earnings and buying back gobs of stock, at least 5% of its capitalization per annum.
For example, Shanghai Stock Exchange ranks sixth in terms of market capitalization, after NYSE, NASDAQ, London, Tokyo, and HK exchanges, but fourth in trading volume, after NYSE, NASDAQ and very close to Tokyo.
In coming up with its dividend-stock list, UBS looked for companies that had a market capitalization of more than 4 billion euros, a dividend yield above the European projected forward 12-month dividend yield of 4.5% and cash on books of 5% or more as a percentage of total assets.
When a big capitalization company does a little better than expected, the stock does a lot better.
The Commission for Truth and Reconciliation had suggested that companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange pay wealth tax of about 1% of their market capitalization, but this recommendation was not followed.
IBM, Chevron, and Microsoft are among other stocks that find themselves benefited by massive market capitalization, but none of them is actually a true growth stock, and none of them has been so influenced by one individual person (while Bill Gates was highly influential in the rise of Microsoft, he left day-to-day operations years ago, leaving the company in the worlds top echelons).
FORBES: Apple Is A Top-10 Holding In 26% Of Mutual Funds And 16% Of Equity ETFs
Activision, another Xbox gamemaker, has a billion-dollar market capitalization despite its cheaper multiple, but insiders were selling off its stock this fall--not a reassuring sign.
And incidentally, that could have protected you from the great Japanese bubble because when Japan had its real estate and stock bubble, Japan got to be 50% of the world's capitalization.
Today, Apple is trading at 8.2x FY 2012 earnings (less cash) because investors are concerned that it has peaked in terms of market capitalization and that there are no new investors to come into the stock.
The Vanguard Total World Stock Index ETF (VT) provides a global mix of stocks based on market capitalization.
The stock completely broke down after hours, as the second-biggest shipping company by market capitalization blamed constrained revenue growth in its FedEx Express group for the shortfall.
FORBES: Markets Rewind: Bad Jobs Report Flashes Bernanke The Bat Signal - Forbes
When I look at the top 100 stocks by market capitalization, my playing field, excepting Sirius XM Radio, implementation, or stock picking is still not a lay-up.
To be sure the stock market values high tech companies so highly (incredibly, Microsoft ranks second in terms of market capitalization, lagging only Exxon), partly because of their high profit margins and prospects for future growth.