The latest satirical documentary from the writer-director-actor Christopher Guest and his wonderful stock company.
V, the leading mutual insurer, has set up a joint-stock company, though not a publicly traded one.
LB, which is already a joint-stock company, but two groups of Sparkassen would still own most of the bank.
Global Links is, in fact, a sub-penny stock company and has done several such reverse splits over the last few years.
It is a penny stock company that held its annual meeting in Florida several weeks ago during a three-day fundamentalist religious revival.
Briefly, when you take distribution from your 401(k) you can rollover everything but the company stock (your company) to an IRA, and then put the company stock in a taxable account.
In May Roth and the penny stock company he was working for were indicted by the federal government for violating an export control law that carries a maximum jail term of ten years.
Khalid and his four brothers inherited NCB upon their father's death in 1994, and a 21% stake was sold to a group of private investors when the bank morphed from an unlimited liability private partnership into a joint stock company.
Regardless of whether Mr. von Sydow wins an Oscar, he will no doubt remain best known to serious movie fans as one of the sturdiest pillars in the stock company of actors assembled for stage and screen by the Swedish director Ingmar Bergman.
WSJ: Max von Sydow | His Silence May Be Golden | Cultural Conversation by David Mermelstein
But when they were given the option to invest in their own company's stock, they allocated more than 40% of their money to company stock and divided the rest equally between stocks and bonds--meaning that almost three-fourths of their portfolio was now in equities, simply because they put their own company's stock in a different mental account than other equity investments.
Mr. Erbey owns 25.5% of Altisource and 2.8% of HLSS, in addition to his 13.2% ownership of Ocwen's common stock, according to company stock ownership filings.
Bush's plan would allow employees to sell stock in their own company after participating in a 401(k) plan for three years and stipulates that senior company executives may not sell their company stock during a period when employees are barred from doing so.
Another insurance mutual, Alte Leipziger, has organised a joint-stock holding company which, executives say, may eventually be listed on the stock exchange.
Since 2004, when Tata became the first Indian engineering company to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange, the company's stock is up 75%.
Sony recently established an online stock trading company and also owns Sony Financial International which issues credit cards and insurance.
But Snyder, once the youngest chief executive of a New York Stock Exchange company, professes to be above the turmoil.
Usually, people want to know how he became so rich, what stock or company he might buy next, or what they should do to be like him.
Internet stock trading company Datek Online also reported problems.
Some shareholders of private company stock options face a tax issue when the company has an IPO or other liquidity event.
FORBES: SharesPost Launches Lending For Startup Stock Options
In one case, a U.S. company sold stock in a Hong Kong company that owned a 49% interest in a Chinese joint venture.
The stock fee is paid in stock of the company in which the borrower is exercising stock.
FORBES: SharesPost Launches Lending For Startup Stock Options
According to the National Association of Securities Dealers, in 1996 Sitomer and Rome sold stock in a company they were underwriting, then repurchased the stock and resold it at a higher price.
Employers with publicly-traded stock almost always structure their 401k(s) to include company stock as an option and benefit when their stock rests in friendly employee hands.
FORBES: Flawed 401(k) Plan Structures to Blame for Systemic Failure
Lawsuits are now routine if a company's stock falls significantly or the company reveals an unpleasant surprise.
The potential flood of new shares could further depress the company's stock price, though the company took steps this past week to reassure investors.
At the meeting, Apple didn't mention any plans to split the company's stock following rumors that the company would announce the first such split in eight years.
Nokia's basic phones hit a pothole in the first quarter, sending the company's stock down and leading the company's CEO to point to Lumia smartphone upgrades as reason for hope.
With Times Company stock hovering at about seven dollars per share, the market value of the entire company is barely a billion dollars, about what the Times spent to acquire the Boston Globe, in 1993.