• The mix of your investments should include publicly traded fixed income and equity assets such as investment grade bonds, preferred stock and common stock.

    FORBES: March Madness: The $640+ Million Lottery

  • ACAS, once the darling of the sector, had a near-death experience in 2009 as their equity-heavy investment portfolio collided with debt and bank obligations and the stock suffered a much steeper slide than the sector.

    FORBES: The ABCs of BDCs: High Yields Have Their Price

  • Investors willing to take additional risk might also consider leaving their current 401(k) savings in a target-date fund, but direct all new contributions into a domestic equity fund or international stock fund to boost returns, says Michael Francis, president of Francis Investment Counsel, a consulting firm specializing in retirement plans.

    WSJ: 'Target' Funds Still Missing the Mark on Returns

  • Mr Johnson opened trading at the Stock Exchange on Tuesday morning, appealing for more science and technology companies to be listed to attract equity investment.

    BBC: London Mayor Boris Johnson fails to spend ?111m fund

  • If a government recapitalisation does prove necessary, the treasury is likely to take one of two routes: a preferred-stock investment that allows the agencies to raise more capital of their own, or nationalisation through a common-equity injection that leaves current owners with nothing, and thus offers the taxpayer a better deal.

    ECONOMIST: American finance

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