Under the moratorium, our laboratories have maintained our arsenal through the StockpileStewardshipProgram without underground nuclear testing, using techniques that are as successful as they are cutting edge.
He led a comprehensive review of our nuclear weapons stockpilestewardshipprogram, enhanced the science and technology of environmental cleanup, and was the DOE special negotiator for Russia initiatives, focusing on disposal of Soviet-era nuclear materials.
His decision to ban all nuclear tests would preclude the U.S. from conducting even extremely low-yield tests (for example, those that produce as little of a blast as the equivalent of four pounds of high explosive) as part of the nuclear stockpilestewardshipprogram.
The Clinton Administration maintains that various experimental devices and techniques being pursued as part of its StockpileStewardshipProgram (SSP) will be able to replace testing and equip a new generation of scientists with the expertise necessary to sustain the U.S. deterrent for the foreseeable future.