That stoicism in the face of emotional testimony disappeared in the jury room, he said.
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Stoicism still has a tremendous amount to teach us, especially in these passion-saturated times.
The research talks about the pilgrims bathing in the cold water with "relish, serenity and silent stoicism".
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He was a practitioner of Stoicism, an ancient Greek religion that he helped bring to Rome.
In most of its manifestations, this stoicism is both admirable and beneficial.
Shakespeare and the Stoicism of Seneca, originally published in 1927, was considered a milestone in Eliot's development as a scholar of the Bard.
After killing Artorias you open up the rest of this lost world to explore, including the new multiplayer arena, the Battle of Stoicism.
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For the British are subject to two utterly random forces that regularly test their stoicism and their patience: the weather and the buses.
Ms Elcock also praised Mrs Mann's husband Philip's "stoicism and love and support for his wife" which she said shone through throughout the proceedings.
Only the resilience of Wall Street and the stoicism of local punters like Maria Tsang seem to have calmed the panic -- for now.
Egyptians usually bear this with good-natured stoicism, but in the past, violent Islamist extremists have found fertile ground for their ideas in the poor quarters of Egypt's cities.
Extraordinary stoicism earned Gans his lasting popularity in America.
Harried, chased, both hunted and hunter, the blunt-nosed Matt Damon is a superhero reduced to pure reflex, yet, by means of his isolation and his stoicism, he becomes almost a romantic figure.
Others say Britons identify with the beasts' stoicism.
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One such film is "Colorado Territory" (1949), in which Raoul Walsh transformed his own "High Sierra" (1941), a classic portrait of an aging gangster played by Humphrey Bogart, into an elegiac western starring Joel McCrea, taking the opportunity to trim away the sentimentality of "High Sierra" and replace it with hard stoicism.