Troughs, effective as single showpieces, are even better as a collection staged on a stone wall.
Austrian police said he hit his head on a stone wall and died instantly.
BBC: Nottinghamshire teacher dies on school ski trip to Austria
The path leads past a dry-stone wall, marking the boundary of a nature reservation.
Over the stone wall we looked down at the stretch of sand by the lake.
To shield the students from attacks, Jan has built a new stone wall to surround the school.
William Edward Parker died when his car hit a stone wall off the B5306 in Distington on Monday.
Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen's "Soft Shuttlecock" drapes its 24-foot-long painted canvas feathers over a stone wall high overhead.
WSJ: New Guggenheim: Art and Architecture as One | By Ada Louise Huxtable
To seal the deal Tristan must venture into Stormhold, the enchanted kingdom just beyond the stone wall bordering his village.
It is also the ideal urban setting for the great stone wall.
Neither does Boilly's head of an intense young woman or Corot's delightful cow, elegantly silhouetted against the freely painted stone wall of a barn.
WSJ: Appealing to Modern Eyes | The Path of Nature | Metropolitan Museum of Art | By Karen Wilkin
Perched atop craggy cliffs over the deep blue waters of Rincon Bay, I arrived at what looked like a manmade stone wall surrounding a cluster of huts.
We parked just below the summit of the mountain and walked into the town through a gap in the low stone wall that surrounded it.
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To get to the gorillas, my fellow tourists and I walk through farms to a low stone wall that marks the entrance to the park.
Fresh drops speckled his windshield as he turned in to his neighborhood, through a break in the stone wall that had once marked the bounds of the farm.
Shumlin's house sits back from the road, at the top of a sloping lawn, with a low stone wall in front of it and what appears to be a newly constructed two-car garage nearby.
Near the top, a path broke off and led to a flat open plot, where the castle should have been, but, save for an old stone wall, there were no ruins to be seen.
Started during the Tang Dynasty and later expanded by Zhu Yuanzhang, the first Emperor of the Ming Dynasty (1368 to 1644), the stone wall extends more than 13.7km and is the most complete city fortification to have survived in China.
Everywhere you looked, one of them seemed to be staring at nothing, drinking it in, transfixed: a dead stalk of dock weed or the blank corner of a stone wall or an icicle dribbled from the lip of a gutter.
They go to a lonely country house, inhabited by a pair of wealthy oddballs called Flower (Charles Durning) and Stone (Joel Grey), who trounce Pozzi at poker and then demand an unusual repayment: he and Nashe must build a stone wall in the grounds.
For instance, the kiosk explains that Rothermel's deliberate perspective puts the viewer 125 yards from the copse of trees just below Cemetery Ridge in an area of the battle line known as "the Angle, " a jog in the stone wall defended by the Philadelphia Brigade.
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In one episode, after commenting on the typical gripes about bedroom size in a contemporary home on Lesbos, Ms. Robinson turns to her agent, bemused: "The other thing that slightly worries me is the ruins, for want of a better word, " she says, referring to an ancient-looking stone wall in disrepair in an adjacent lot.
In the cottage downstairs there was only one room, with a kitchen at one end and a sitting room at the other, a flagged floor and a wood fire smoldering in a wide stone hearth, one wall stripped back to the naked stone.
Oliver Stone's Wall Street (number eight) and Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times (number 10) complete the list.
Each effort was like a stone added to a wall that looked increasingly impossible to breach.
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The buildings are made from thousands of tiny gears and springs, not brick and stone, as if Wall emptied a clock and began to build.
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The trail begins with two hours of a light track until you reach the Carrasqueira, a steep wall of stone crossed with the use of ropes and helmets.
One of the first Tudor homes to be made from brick, many of its original features -- including a vast stone fireplace and a wall of intricately carved dark wood panels -- remain to this day.
That's the honor conferred upon Oliver Stone's 1987 film Wall Street by the readers of and a panel of film critics.
Forbes talked to Stone about how the first Wall Street movie changed the way people think about finance, understanding the recent meltdown and how Gekko still fits in.
Rose and blue quartz stone sculptures by Ms. Abramovic are mounted to the wall near a bay window.