You'll get a booth seat if you're lucky, but might have to settle for a simple stool.
The father sat on a stool, tears in his eyes as a firefighter comforted him.
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She needs to be drinking lots of water and taking stool softeners, Hudgins says.
The stool turned into a workbox, looking glass, desk and small set of drawers.
He asked his wife if he could sit on her stool for a moment.
On Stool One is Pat Hanley with his bushy handlebar moustache, impeccable suits, and gilded canes.
Most of my dance career has been spent sitting on a stool with Westlife.
Sitting on her stool, she was devouring my pigeons, with both hands, like this.
Being a scientist, he decided to seek out different data: from a stool sample.
To avoid constipation, your doctor might recommend a fiber-rich diet or use of stool softeners.
They drove a few miles to the farmhouse where Keyes tied Bill Currier to a stool.
He will carry his cello and stool down the narrow flight of stairs to the empty street.
Jones (18-1) suffered a compound fracture and needed a stool inside the cage to complete his post-fight interview.
On Stool One, right where he belongs, is Tom-Tom, an Italian looking, small fellow of infinite warmth.
He sat on a stool in a cold room with other boys pasting labels onto bottles of shoe polish.
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He denied shaking her in a fit of temper, claiming she fell off a stool she was standing on.
The helmet with a Packer in it was just a convenient hand stool.
"There was a stool there, and some fella kept asking me if I wanted to sit down, " Eastwood said.
Pictures were then taken of stool samples placed on lab slides, wrapped in cellophane and taped to the phone.
That could leave Mr Chavez increasingly reliant on the third leg of the stool: the armed forces' high command.
So pull up a stool and start slurping at these spots, which should be included in any comprehensive guide to Hong Kong cuisine.
Classic products include the threelegged birch Stool 60, along with works from other Finnish brands such as Woodnotes, which sells carpets and blinds.
Grab a stool and a glass of wine with folpetti (baby octopus) salad, or enjoy yours dockside along the Grand Canal.
The researchers studied 24 babies and compared the bacteria found in stool samples collected when the infants were 3 months old.
Mandy did think about it, the thick directory that used to boost her up on her stool at the kitchen counter.
Now, the recovery and reinvestment package is not the only thing we have to do -- it's one leg of the stool.
Only by turning an old bar stool upside down could she see that it might serve as a holder for gift-wrapping paper.
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What this all means is that IT security has become the fourth leg of the computing stool, supplementing computation, storage and communications.
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He says Obama has built his support on a "three-legged stool" made up of African-Americans, Hispanics and young voters of all races.
Confusing the picture further are private labs that offer tests of stool or saliva that they say can definitively diagnose gluten sensitivity.