And when Stroup clicks inside the lines, he uncovers a hidden storehouse of information.
The Mississippi label is a storehouse of soul, rhythm and blues and gospel music.
The Israeli Air Force fired a missile at a building it said was a weapons storehouse.
The precious artefact is now kept in environmentally-controlled conditions in Storehouse 10, within the Historic Dockyard.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Hampshire | Nelson's topsail goes on display
Until fairly recently, the answer to that question was simple: It's a storehouse for books and manuscripts.
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Children of all ages build empathy and a storehouse of emotional readiness through vicarious experiences gained while reading.
Getty is the storehouse, the source of history recorded, which can tell you a story better than words.
There's a reason the Guinness Storehouse is the No. 1 attraction in Ireland.
Thinking of DNA as a blueprint is handy in the sense for being a storehouse for information about people.
For me, the coming storehouse of value embraces equities selling at intrinsic value.
For now there seems little alternative to the dollar as a financial lodestar and the main storehouse for the world's precautionary saving.
It has a massive storehouse of user data, but every time it tries to capitalize on that information, its members freak out.
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It operates out of Saskatchewan, which is a rich storehouse of commodities that are in high demand right now, including potash and oil.
It tried to sell data from its gene storehouse and then create a production line of wonder drugs to treat cancer and autoimmune disorders.
As the company works in health care, it saw partnering with community clinics as a natural fit for the storehouse of skill sets its employees possess.
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We access text, pictures, audio, video and interactive graphics from this massive storehouse as if we were pulling books off a shelf or turning on the TV.
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Some patent examiners have been at the patent office for decades, and have a vast storehouse of knowledge regarding what has previously been described in a printed publication (and thereby serves to block a patent grant).
But underscoring the confusion surrounding militias, protesters then lay siege to the headquarters of another militia, the Rafallah Sahati brigade, apparently unaware that it was approved by the Ministry of Defense and tasked with guarding a sizable weapons storehouse in the city.
But what if you could give them their own currency, and the currency was all skill based, so the more successful they were in the game, the more points or gold that they earn, that character that they bought for eight dollars became a storehouse of all that value?
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