He is described as being slim, 6ft tall and has auburn, shoulder-length straight hair.
Jack is 5ft (1.52m) tall, with blonde straight hair and has a half-inch scar on his forehead.
Walton, too, cautions against the perception that maintaining natural hair means standing against chemical straighteners or straight hair overall.
He appears to have lost weight during his four-month stint in rehab, and his thin, straight hair is uncharacteristically unfettered.
This process involved travel, time, money, speaking at length about my previous experiences, and, most painfully, several hours of wearing proper work clothes and blow-drying my hair ( straight hair and I are not good friends).
Jessica may specialize in curly hair, but she finished a adorable, short and chic hairdo on a woman with fine straight hair while I browsed through her neat gift items and assortment of natural hair care products.
Ms Bolden is described as white, 5ft 5ins tall, slim with green eyes and shoulder length straight blonde hair.
She had straight brown hair, sympathetic eyes, and looked more like a young school teacher than like a corporate officer with nineteen years of experience.
He has an unmissable shock of straight white hair, and one afternoon I saw the top of his head moving past the top of my cubicle.
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Her eyes were wide and blue green and shadowed by her straight, dark hair.
The irregularity of her features, her straight, dry hair, her small mouth, all caused her to cringe inwardly and suddenly to feel vulnerable.
Now she knows why: Amy was teaching Laci how to style her long, straight, glossy hair with a curling iron right before Laci vanished.
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He once spent two weeks straight just visiting hair salons.
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He was pale, perspirey, with limp blond hair combed straight back from his oblong forehead.
Her hair is straight and long, with a center part, light brown in color, or perhaps honey blond.
Liam Neeson, his hair standing straight up like tensed wire, is the dauntless but neurotic sex researcher Alfred C.
Kilroy had a stunted appearance, accentuated by oiled black hair sleekly brushed straight back, making the top of his head seem flat.
"It's all about achieving versatility and achieving healthy hair and achieving the freedom to be able to wear your hair curly or straight, " she said.
Berkowitz often seems to make Casual Friday a week-long affair and attended in a loosely buttoned blue shirt, his thin hair, brushed straight back, nearly fell to his shoulders.
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Her shoulder-length brown hair was usually straight and parted in the middle, though sometimes she pulled it back and gathered it in a big dark clip that looked like an enormous insect.
The dour Constance, for example, describes herself naked in a Fijian stream, hair undone and eating oranges plucked straight from the trees.
Spiky heels, plastic frames and hair neatly combed back into long, straight ponytails polished the look.
Sean Penn, as Willie Stark, the Southern country boy who wants to be governor, wears his hair cropped close at the sides and standing up straight on top.
But in an interview posted on YouTube by Straight from the A TV, he said he suffered from alopecia, a condition in which people lose their hair.