Another one-sided match appeared onthe cards when Schiavone raced 4-0 clear of Stosur in their Maroon Group tie, but the Australian turned the match completely on its head with six straight games to edge the first set.
The chances that he will headstraight to the fridge for a snack and then move on to the freezer for dessert are just about 100% but the odds that the Big Guy will find time to also visit with Pops are pretty high.
On clear days you will probably want to headstraight out onto the observatory's wraparound terrace, which looks out over a rippling sea of pearly-white summits, deep into Italy, Germany and France and over the 22km-long tongue of the Aletsch Glacier, the longest of its kind in the Alps and a Unesco World Heritage site.
Blanco said in an era where singles rule (seriously, when was the last time you bought an entire album?) the pressure is on labels, artists and producers more than ever to produce a song that will headstraight to the top of the charts.