Went on my way feeling strange all that day, wondering what had gone wrong.
The Colombians munch on dangerously strange hot dogs blanketed in French fries and mashed potatoes.
Another strange thing about a Viennese coffee house is that the coffee is almost irrelevant.
Silhouetted against the night sky, it seems that this strange mountain has always fiercely guarded its secrets.
So do strange ones, like the Vigor poster that depicts a tiger with his fangs around a tire.
During the go-go stock market of the 1990s, a privately held tech company seemed downright strange.
It's admirably weird music and hopefully just the beginning of a long and wonderfully strange conversation.
He has stuck with it through innumerable book readings in some very strange places.
But a strange thing happened to Corvette on its way to irrelevance: It became relevant again.
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"Pressure is a wonderful thing, it can do strange things to people, " Smith told BBC WM.
Look closely at the strange arithmetic that Congress uses to keep budget deficits within bounds.
The answer might be almost anything touched with genius and a strange, thorny, dashing humor.
It had a strange greenish tinge to it, with a definite tail behind it.
Today was a little strange but he played great tennis in the third set.
When money and equality rule our hearts, a strange kind of culture of competition develops.
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May I recommend, instead, any of these exceedingly strange hangover tips compiled by 40Cozy.com.
FORBES: Drink Some Rabbit Droppings And Call Me In The Morning
The second officer merely thought it strange that a ship would be firing rockets at night.
In the galleries, Dr. Barnes's curatorial outlook made for some pretty strange artistic bedfellows.
It seems strange that, so far, only California based issues are showing up in this category.
But the Welsh dug deep in defence and limited Bristol to one more Strange penalty.
Charles Burrows noticed a strange lump on his stomach in the summer of 2005.
But even without the apparent dawn of four party politics, mid-term elections can give strange readings.
Since REITs have a strange name and sound complicated, some shy away from them.
It was silly, it was strange, it was sad, and then it was over.
And it was very strange for me, because I'm like, why am I crying?
This seems like a strange concept for a VC, but it actually is quite common.
The next day Jewaun woke up with yellow eyes and with strange spots on his forehead.
It is strange that we imagine our gadgets as either business machines or entertainment machines.
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Undoubtedly the practice was strange and uncomfortable for all the members of our team.
The wind whooshed and whined, a buffer against the lonesome quiet of my strange hotel room.
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