• They remained close friends after their divorce, with Cameron producing both Strange Days and Point Break.

    BBC: Profile: Kathryn Bigelow

  • He met Morrison again by chance on Venice Beach in 1965 after finishing their course, where Morrison sang him an early version of Moonlight Drive, which would later feature on their second album, Strange Days.

    BBC: Doors co-founder Ray Manzarek dies at 74 in Germany

  • "I don't miss those days, but strange to say, I did enjoy them, " she writes.

    BBC: Commentators' views: Is Parliament sexist?

  • Forex jobs are fast-paced and can mean strange work hours and long work days since forex markets are open 24 hours a day, five total days a week.

    FORBES: Working In Finance: 5 Forex Careers

  • Which is very strange indeed for only a few days ago we had news from the World Bank showing that child mortality rates in those same countries are, in general, falling swiftly.

    FORBES: Jeff Sach's Lancet Paper on Millennium Villages: Actual Scientists Seriously Unimpressed

  • There is a sense that there is something rather strange in any kind of tan these days.

    BBC: Can a fake tan ever be classy?

  • The days will soon be over when a strange little fish waits a quarter of a century for a new name.

    ECONOMIST: Taxonomy

  • It was several days before some local men paddled over to investigate the source of strange flotsam that had washed up near their village, and found a group of jubilant, wiry, suntanned Scandinavians waiting for them, and they took the crew back for some belated celebrations.

    CNN: The Kon-Tiki: Crossing an ocean on balsa

  • Brought into the prospering family business (a tannery) by his father-in-law, Pierre spends his days in comfortable ennui and his nights in sexual frustration (revealed in a jaw-droppingly strange and clever dream sequence), which he hopes to cure with his comely new secretary (Nicole Kalfan), his contemplated pursuit of whom builds to a giant wind-up toy of ludicrously intricate complications.

    NEWYORKER: Le Grand Amour

  • Third, reminiscent of the dot-com bubble where strange nonsense words became company names, there are all sorts of weird names popping up in education companies these days for products that are far less differentiated than their founders like to believe.

    FORBES: Is There a K-12 Online Learning 'Bubble'?

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