Of course, the primary risk is that you could lose your entire investment in the strangle.
This includes DNA on ligatures used to strangle the girls which was found using new forensic techniques.
Claims she had tried to strangle a resident with a scarf were not found to have been proven.
His tumor, the size of a baseball, was starting to strangle the portal vein going into the liver.
Miss Blunnie reported McLernon tried to strangle her two months before her death but no charges were brought.
BBC: Eystna Blunnie murder: Probe into dropped strangling case
He said Racing UK's strangle-hold over broadcasting from Doncaster is putting the progress of those negotiations in jeopardy.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | South Yorkshire | Council's battle over TV rights
That would result in capital controls and perhaps limits on bank withdrawals, which in turn would strangle commerce.
But opponents see the dollar shortage as a deliberate ploy to strangle what is left of Venezuela's private sector.
Instead, the Obama administration has done everything in its power to strangle it.
State and municipalities were starting to pile on levies that threatened to strangle this electronic-commerce marketplace in its infancy.
She thought he was trying to strangle her, then it seemed that he was still kissing her, or trying to.
But the government could tackle home-grown difficulties that strangle supply in all sorts of industries, including agriculture, retailing, infrastructure and logistics.
To construct a short strangle, the trader sells an equal number of out-of-the-money puts and calls with the same expiration.
With Google fading from the search picture in China, it leaves further room for Baidu to establish a strangle-hold on market share.
The transactions were not spread against one another, but the short selling of both calls and puts effectively mimics a short strangle.
They are aware that, unchecked, traffic congestion might eventually strangle Leeds's expansion.
The Bank of Japan has helped strangle economic growth in Japan by being even more stingy than central banks in other major countries.
As the recession continues to drag along, retailers, the housing market, restaurants, and consumers feel the ever increasing strangle hold of the tightening economy.
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This, they worry, could drive out smaller players and force energy producers to have separately capitalised subsidiaries, and might strangle the market in its infancy.
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An increasingly popular method nowadays is to strangle traders not with high tariffs, which are easy to spot, but with red tape, which is not.
Before the 1981 Liberal-SDP merger, Cyril Smith admitted that he had initially wanted to strangle the Alliance at birth, but had later come to accept it.
Mr Murphy was put in a cell which had CCTV coverage and the following day was seen and stopped from attempting to strangle himself using his bedding.
While Apple shares were crunched Monday amid fears that the credit crisis could strangle U.S consumers, the bigger worry is that competitors are starting to pile on.
Republicans will be arguing that they offer the low-tax, less-government path to real economic recovery, and that the Democrats want to strangle small-business growth by increasing taxes.
Both the short strangle and the short straddle strategies employed on Pfizer today indicate investors expect volatility in the price of the underlying shares to decline going forward.
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Prosecutor Alan McKay failed to lead some potentially crucial DNA evidence that suggested Sinclair had tied the knots on the ligatures used to bind and strangle the girls.
Strangle-sellers keep the full amount of premium received on the transaction as long as shares in COL trade within the boundaries of the strike prices through expiration day in June.
Other prisoners include Fred Low, who has twice stabbed a fellow inmate to death, and Michael Sams, a kidnapper and murderer who also attempted to strangle a female prison visitor.
Even those teams that do spend successfully develop trouble down the road, when those back ends of contracts for players past their primes kick in to strangle the club with excess payroll.