• As for our second objective, we plan on providing tangible but strategic resources that will help lift the transiently homeless out of homelessness.

    FORBES: Jessica Choi: 2011 College Social Innovator Award Winner

  • The Chinese government certainly wants to create globally competitive firms and it is pushing some to secure strategic resources, like oil and metals, overseas.

    ECONOMIST: The scare stories��and the chaotic reality

  • The second is that the Chinese have promised many such loans in their efforts to gain access to strategic resources around the world, and are now thinking carefully about which loans they should actually commit to.

    FORBES: Turkmenistan: Desperate for a Gas Market

  • Communist China's global drive to dominate strategic energy resources has naturally attracted it to sub-Saharan Africa, from which it currently imports nearly 30 percent of its oil and natural gas.


  • Gaffney pointed out that the PRC's play for Unocal's energy and rare earth mineral assets is hardly a normal commercial transaction, but rather part of Beijing's long-term plan to dominate strategic energy resources, materials, minerals and technologies in order to provide a civilian economy that will serve China's military needs.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Gaffney gives Hill testimony on Unocal

  • The bigger the prizes get, the more strategic control of resources tightens across the region.

    FORBES: Chavez Contagion: The Growing Risk To Latin American Oil

  • Dulebohn, a professor whose specialties include strategic human-resources management.

    NEWYORKER: Out of the Office

  • Many major firms are looking to put the Y2K rollover change behind them, moving their resources to strategic, IT-based business initiatives, the survey found.

    CNN: 8 of 10 companies expect no major Y2K woes

  • Yet Myanmar's bountiful resources and strategic location still command Beijing's attention.

    ECONOMIST: China hosts another tinpot dictator from next door

  • There are scenarios in which the companies might approve a potential buyer, for example if the buyer could provide certain strategic advantages or significant resources, one of the people said.

    WSJ: Mets' SNY Partners Likely to Balk at Deal

  • Today's announcement paves the way for continued innovation on the webOS platform and on LG's roadmap of innovative solutions for many years to come, while allowing HP to focus its resources on strategic business opportunities such as cloud computing.

    ENGADGET: LG acquires webOS from HP, plans to use it in smart TV platform (updated)

  • "Recent developments in the U.S. wireless industry serve as a direct reminder of the key strategic role deep spectrum resources and a global LTE ecosystem will play in the long-term success of any 4G mobile broadband operator, " said Erik Prusch, President and CEO of Clearwire.

    ENGADGET: Clearwire sees wholesale revenues dip, LTE delays as it posts a $41.3 million net loss in Q3

  • He built a regime that could survive the grossest of economic failures by means of a blustering and threatening foreign policy, an oversized military that sucked up huge resources, strategic payments to key supporters in the party and military from arms and drug sales, and absolute repression of his people.

    FORBES: Kim Jong Il: The Passing Of A Tyrant And The Ensuing Power Struggle

  • But now there's mounting evidence that the fight against spam is diverting resources away from strategic projects.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Congress has provided trillions of dollars to support military action in the fight against terrorism, but it has not yet provided resources for a strategic communications capacity that could be the key to victory.


  • These considerations lay at the heart of the decision (lest we forget, supported overwhelmingly and on a bipartisan basis at the time) to liberate Iraq in the first place, thus denying terrorists a sanctuary with vast oil resources, a strategic location and a technology base and industrial capacity affording access to weapons of mass destruction.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Two messages for America

  • This has great potential to free up your internal resources to conduct more strategic tasks at the company.

    FORBES: Why You Cannot Rely on Vendors for Your IT Strategy

  • Earlier today we initiated a number of changes to streamline our operations, focus our resources on our most strategic opportunities, and invest in our future.

    FORBES: Zynga Cuts Staff 5%

  • It requires strategic thinking, prioritization, and resources from the very top of the firm to ensure smart plans are developed that can be excellently executed.

    FORBES: The CEO/CMO Dilemma: So Much Data, So Little Impact

  • But it's aimed not so much at the nation as the state and the way a still greatly command system tries to get its way through its so-called strategic industries, such as in resources.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The IRM Strategic Plan is strategic in nature and addresses all information resources management of the agency.


  • The country has ample natural and human resources, albeit not the strategic kind, like oil, that really motivate potential interveners.

    FORBES: Self-Interest Might Save Zimbabwe

  • "All the resources of government security and strategic air are working at this moment to restore calm and tranquility to this region of the country, " he said.


  • Manage, coordinate and monitor the implementation of programme activities by developing strategic partnerships and mobilizing extra-budgetary resources through the design of technical support, capacity development programmes and projects in order to provide the educational planning, management and policy support.

    UNESCO: Vacancy : Programme Specialist (Education Planning and Policy Support) (10/5/2011) (AR/RP/JOR/ED/0023 - (P4))

  • Manage, coordinate and monitor the implementation of programme activities in the seven Member States of the Doha Cluster by developing strategic partnerships and mobilizing extra-budgetary resources through the design of technical support, capacity development programmes and projects in order to provide the educational planning, management and policy support to the region.

    UNESCO: Main Menu

  • Manage, coordinate and monitor the implementation of programme activities in the four Member States of the Rabat Cluster by developing strategic partnerships and mobilizing extra-budgetary resources through the design of technical support, capacity development programmes and projects in order to provide the educational planning, management and policy support to the region.

    UNESCO: Main Menu

  • Piling people and resources into hospitals has been a strategic mistake.

    ECONOMIST: The NHS needs to diet

  • In other words, under any foreseeable circumstances, U.S. investment in an effort to mimic Soviet mobile missile programs is unlikely to produce strategic benefits commensurate with the cost in defense resources.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Bush��s Faustian Deal On Mobile Missiles

  • Located in the South Atlantic Ocean, about 480 kilometers (298 miles) east of the tip of South America, the Falklands have long been coveted as a strategic shipping stopover and potential wellspring of natural resources.

    CNN: UK newspaper hits back over Argentinian claim to Falklands

  • Located about 480 kilometers (298 miles) east of the tip of South America, the Falklands have long been coveted as a strategic shipping stopover and potential wellspring of natural resources, including lucrative fisheries and a growing oil drilling industry.


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