As the street fighting raged Mrs Sendlerowa buried the bottles containing the children's names in a colleague's garden.
Street fighting remains so intense that Haiti's interim government will not put voting booths in one section of Port-au-Prince.
Where East Eats West is a collection of China business snippets from a street fighting, "been there, done that, " entrepreneur.
While Gadhafi remains at large, his compound, Bab al-Aziziya, remains out of rebel control, as street fighting intensified during Monday.
However, so far at least, the capture of Iraqi cities has not involved the protracted, street-by-street fighting that some military experts had feared.
As the war has dragged on with brutal street fighting and air attacks by the Syrian military, many civilians have been killed or injured.
Still, there's a common denominator of exultant, almost dervishy gyration, along with an acting-out of aggression that can bear a startling resemblance to street fighting.
Germany continued with austerity policies for a year after it came off Gold and did not recover in time to stop its politics degenerating into street fighting and fascism.
The narrative of street fighting is interleaved with personal memories of a previous age: here the house of a beloved aunt, there the studio where she acted in a television drama.
The city was to be bypassed and encircled to save it from street fighting, on the theory that the last elements of the German garrison would withdraw just before being cut off.
Obviously Australia will have to be ready to pounce on their wilting opponent and with the street fighting instincts of the Australian captain bubbling with anticipation, England will have to be on guard.
Mr Kejriwal, clearly, is a street-fighting outsider who is trying to change the conventional narrative of Indian politics by taking on the rich and powerful.
BBC: Is Arvind Kejriwal a harbinger of a new Indian politics?
Liz Lambert was fighting street crime in Manhattan for a few years before she decided to move home to Texas.
Are there individuals and institutions interested in putting their money to work fighting Wall Street investment scamming?
FORBES: Using Crowdfunding To Blow The Whistle On Investment Scams
It's all the little guys at street level that are fighting each other.
Edelman was in one of the last groups to hold out in the headquarters of the Jewish Fighting Organization at 18 Mila Street.
In bus queues and on street corners, Zimbabweans wonder why their young men are fighting a foreign war 2, 000 kilometres (1, 250 miles) away.
Last month campaigners fighting the plans handed a petition in to Downing Street opposing the closure of the four units.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly say it is a necessary, life-saving, crime-fighting tool that helps keep illegal guns off the street and has helped New York reach all-time crime lows.
That's why we're going to keep fighting for common-sense rules of the road for Wall Street.
That means the tech industry has "a fighting chance to get the best and the brightest from Wall Street, " says Martha Josephson, a partner at Egon Zehnder in Palo Alto.
Not only did Wall Street lose big in the election, investors and financial services customers still have a fighting chance for some real consumer protection.
FORBES: The 'Other' Fiscal Cliff: Unfinished Financial Reforms
The city defends the tactic, which allows officers to stop, question and sometimes frisk people on the street when there is reasonable suspicion of a crime, as a successful crime-fighting tool.
Amazing as this may sound, Blitz is the finest arcade game since Street Fighter 2, the Capcom martial arts game that touched off the wave of fighting games and that still dominates most video game arcades.
Instead, due to J Street's agitation, and the penetration of the Jewish organizational world by J Street fellow travelers, for the past three years, the American Jewish community has been fighting among itself about what it means to be pro-Israel.
Mr. Mess, one of the Waltham victims, was also involved in amateur fighting and sometimes sparred with Tamerlan, a friend of both men told The Wall Street Journal last month.
An article in the Wall Street Journal says companies like Fox and Disney (which owns ESPN) are going to be fighting harder than ever to secure the rights to the games.
But two years ago, we talked about some on Wall Street who were taking reckless risks and cutting corners to turn huge profits while working Americans were fighting harder and harder just to stay afloat.
Last year campaigners fighting plans to close those departments handed a 50, 000-signature petition to Downing Street and they have marched in protest against the proposals.
Police have branded fighting between football fans in York as "disgraceful" after bottles and glasses were thrown in the street.