Their authenticity is their strength and without them we could not recall and evidence the past.
His big strength is his personal honesty (until recently he did not even have a bank account).
And I think Gordon has the strength, the courage, the ideas, to actually deal with those issues.
Investments flowed into funds on the strength of equity markets and the red-hot commodities and energy markets.
But increasingly their differences are seen as a source of strength rather than a weakness to be overcome.
This comes at a time when we see the strength of American leadership across the world.
What my son needed was physical therapy and strength training to build up his weak side.
With this said, Einhorn is an advocate of buying strength in strong sectors heading into 2011.
FORBES: Certain ETFs Have Soared in 2010, But Will The Party Continue into 2011?
But he looked largely comfortable throughout the day as Brawn appeared to exhibit their continuing strength.
These statistics draw upon strength that numbers alone cannot capture: a hardworking, innovative culture.
Profits this year are likely to be flat but will gather strength going into 2009.
However, that strength was offset by continued weakness in industrial and appliance demand in China.
To say she never flinches would be an understatement: she exults in her strength and ability.
The Merc has been eager to expand off its traditional strength in interest-rate futures trading.
Click here for Delfeld's latest picks for playing metals and mining strength in Chartwell Advisor.
However, I believe there are encouraging pockets of strength to energize and inspire investors.
Confidence in the Japanese economy soared in the 1980s on the strength of Japan's business sociology.
He is an old style point man, strength but no movement or dribbling skills.
FORBES: No European Renaissance In Sight For Italy's Deteriorating Serie A
The only metric showing strength currently is part-time employment. (Part-timers don't get health care benefits).
Brands and Starbucks are testaments to the strength of Chinese demand, as is Nike.
They would then be able to negotiate future borders from a position of strength.
ECONOMIST: The Kurds talk of federation and plan for independence
The coaches have picked me for my size and strength and my more abrasive game.
If you expect some strength, go ITM, which will also bring in more income.
Focus on finding the right partner to double your strength rather than dilute it.
You also have to assess the fiscal strength of the government entity behind the bond.
The main points of contention are: There is no weighting for strength of opposition.
The continued strength of big-city real estate prices has baffled all sorts of experts.
The strength of the farm lobby in Congress makes this an area difficult to reform.
It is true that Mr Kirchner's decision testifies to the strength of his country's recovery.
Ford: Well, there are a lot of high-strength materials out there that we're working with.