Everywhere, numbers are low despite strenuous efforts by many business schools to attract more women.
As it is, despite strenuous efforts by America's chief-of-staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, relations have been strained for ages.
China has made strenuous efforts to improve the way it collects and compiles economic data to satisfy international standards.
He won the presidency with the help of two smaller parties after weeks of strenuous efforts by the opposition to stop him.
Strenuous efforts need to be made and many miracles need to happen before this new security order in Northeast Asia can become a reality.
The strenuous efforts and encouragements made by other Buddhist nuns and monks who established monasteries in Lumbini and in Kathmandu made my transition here much easier.
Strenuous efforts to promote black business have yielded disappointing results.
After buying them, the bank made strenuous efforts to keep staff, on the assumption that they had close relationships with their customers, and then to increase sales by training them well.
This was that they could make strenuous efforts to qualify for the euro, slashing public spending and holding down wages and other costs, and then relax as soon as they got in.
Strenuous efforts will be needed to capitalize on the opportunities offered by the World Summit on Information Societies (WSIS) to bridge the gender divide which is already apparent within the emerging information society.
Inevitably, there will be strenuous efforts made by the Bush Administration, other Western governments and numerous private banks to stampede the former Soviet Union into a commitment to secure all debt obligations beyond the very limited rescheduling of principal payments already agreed for 1992.
Unfortunately, education is so deeply entrenched as a Democratic issue that even the most strenuous Republican efforts look defensive.
It's also not clear what more strenuous and public efforts to promote change in Libya would have achieved.