The Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC) outlined strict control on yields, grape varieties and production methods.
Managers said visitors should keep to paths and ensure dogs were under strict control and on a lead near livestock.
Other Iranian officials have stressed in the past few days that the country's common border with Afghanistan was under strict control and Taleban fighters would be arrested if they entered Iran.
The health board said strict infection control procedures remained in place at all three hospitals.
It is not just the codified production that assures this ultra-consistency, it is also the strict quality control regimen.
Having their own distribution and logistics network allows them to source products from local suppliers while maintaining strict quality control.
This has been achieved through extensive development, strict quality control, and a stringent pre-production testing requirement of 400 drives passing 500 hours of intensive tests with zero errors.
It said it operated "strict infection control practices" which had resulted in the numbers of MRSA infections identified within the trust being reduced by over 50% over the last two years.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Man contracted MRSA after jabs
Quinn, a Chicago Democrat who favors strict gun control including an assault weapons ban, said violence has been an "epidemic" in parts of the state and Illinois should be the nation's leader in keeping the concealed carry ban in place.
This cardinal principle of state policy is embedded in the strict export-control regime regarding sensitive technologies.
Both these institutions have backed strict population-control measures in the Philippines so that the nation can meet the 2015 Millennium Development Goals.
In August, Clinton announced strict rules to control tobacco sales and advertising to try to prevent youngsters from starting the tobacco habit.
CNN: AllPolitics - Clinton Denounces Return Of Broadcast Liquor Ads
Strict infection-control measures and prudent antibiotic use have let hospitals in the Netherlands avoid the resistant staph strains that plague most U.S. hospitals.
He executed his parental duties by remote control, issuing strict and precise instructions about the child's upbringing.
Study leader Dr Andres Floto, research director of the Cystic Fibrosis Unit at Papworth Hospital in Cambridge and principal investigator at the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, said the results had prompted them to completely rethink their infection control, despite already having strict policies in place.
According to a series of CBS News polls asking if gun control laws should be made more strict, less strict or stay the same, 53 percent said it should be more strict when asked in the first week of February.
FORBES: Has Public Opinion Really Changed Regarding Gun Control?
Even if we give them the benefit of the doubt and believe they maintain such a policy for idealistic reasons, the fact is such a strict environmental policy is also a great cost-control strategy.
FORBES: Has Wal-Mart Has Lost Touch With Its Populist Roots?
It benefits the upper and upper-middle classes, the argument goes, by the strict standards it imposes to protect the land: growth control, open space, maintained eco-systems and the preservation of town or village character.
The nationalists, as they were called, were only willing to support American overseas intervention when it met a strict test of national interest and didn't involve ceding control to international organizations or coalitions.
Strict security measures have been put in place to keep the outbreak under control.
That includes strict adherence to the military chain of command, and respect for civilian control over that chain of command.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama's Statement on General McChrystal and Afghanistan | The White House
But foreign donors are reluctant to give more control to corrupt and ineffective governments, and are insisting on strict conditions in return for debt forgiveness.
"This is very serious, " said Ousmane Halle, mayor of the fabled city of Timbuktu, now under the control of Ansar Dine, a militant group that seeks to impose strict Sharia, or Islamic law.
The government can control the industry and keep out mass-market safari companies because it has strict licensing guidelines for travel companies.
With states like Connecticut and Colorado passing strict new restrictions on gun owners and the President flying around the country to drum up support for national gun control, ammo buyers are like consumers queuing for gas or loading up on gold in the inflationary 1970s.
FORBES: The Bullet Bubble: Is Ammo The Next Bitcoin, Or Gold In The 1970s?