They are strict with her and believe that education is the only way she will be successful.
The banks claim that low rates are not stimulating people to borrow, and that demand is low, though some skeptics argue that the demand is there and the banks are now too strict with their underwriting standards.
LUPITA'S PARENTS COMM: The latest is a college student - LUPITA. Two weeks ago Lupita left home in the middle of the day, to visit a school friend - she never arrived. 34 14 EPITACIO LUNA: (FATHER) I was strict with fathers are, but not too strict.
Don't forget what's key to bringing back jobs here is not just finding someone else to punish -- and I'm going to be strict with people who we trade with to make sure they follow the law and play by the rules -- but it's also to make America the most attractive place in the world for businesses of all kinds.
We submitted a strong bid, in good faith and in strict accordance with the DfT's terms.
Mr Franco insisted that Mr Lugo's ejection was in strict accordance with the country's constitution.
ECONOMIST: Paraguay��s impeachment: Lugo out in the cold | The
Marina Gridneva, from the prosecutor-general's office, said the checks were being conducted "in strict compliance with the current legislation".
Since 1987, the 10 CONMEBOL nations have staged the Copa America in strict rotation with Brazil last hosting in 1989.
The trouble, say critics, is the combination of strict grading with an overloaded timetable and a focus on learning through failure.
The main phenylketonuria treatment is a strict diet with very limited intake of phenylalanine, which is mostly found in foods containing protein.
The Initiative shall work on behalf of the entire Nation and shall exercise strict neutrality with regard to specific locations within the United States.
This is all done in strict compliance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and with IAEA rules and under permanent and quite tough IAEA control.
Prior to the public posting of the documents, they are kept in strict confidentiality with only the advisory committee members and the sponsor having the opportunity to review them.
It said the Russian flights were carried out in strict accordance with international rules governing airspace above neutral waters, and that the aircraft did not violate the borders of other states.
You could say Mason's oeuvre grapples with modernism versus tradition, with rampant consumerism versus sustainability, with strict functionality of craft versus design with a message--and you'd be right on all three counts.
"The United States will continue to assist Mexico's efforts to disrupt and dismantle criminal organizations in strict accordance with Mexican law and with respect for Mexican sovereignty, " the State Department said in a statement.
However, FAA chief Gen Geraldo Sachipengo Nunda has told FAA personnel that they should "behave with full respect for the constitution, with strict discipline and completely in line with the decisions regarding military conduct before, during, and after the election".
The funding programme, which runs annually from December to November, is split into two levels of funding - Podium and Development - each with strict criteria and standards which must be met in selection and maintained with the support of UKA staff.
Our carbon emissions would have to be slashed with strict targets set and met by 2050 to avert catastrophe but this was essentially a man-made problem with man-made solutions.
Meanwhile, the Republicans' top Senate leader -- Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky -- has rankled Democrats, analysts note, with a strict adherence to party principles and failure to work with Democrats in crafting legislation that both sides may not like, but agree to in the end.
Most large investment-advisory firms comply with strict rules on performance reporting set by the CFA Institute.
WSJ: The Intelligent Investor: New Ways to Weigh Your Adviser
In a single European market with strict budget constraints the wealthy Germans should dominate.
In England, local authority schools also have to supply meals which comply with strict nutrient standards.
The opposition would split Category Two loans into five sub-categories with strict provisioning levels for each.
One is to bolster their policies with strict rules that make them costly to reverse.
Britain and America have widely diffused share ownership with strict rules to protect minority shareholders.
In a fast-globalising world even countries with strict capital controls saw an increase in actual capital flows.
There is nothing worse than telling a college with strict distribution requirements how much you value their flexibility.
Like the Amish, the Mennonites are Anabaptist, with strict religion-based values that keep them isolated in agricultural communities.
And they typically come with strict secrecy orders, barring the recipient from acknowledging the case to anyone but attorneys.