To make matters worse, the threat from stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis) has also been worsening.
In the crowd were also lawyers, accountants, borrowers and brokers of every type, creed and stripe.
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Politicians of every stripe have promised energy independence, but that promise has so far gone unmet.
As Burberry's check surfaces everywhere, the company is pushing a new pattern: the Burberry stripe.
I'm looking at you here, Germany, and the three-stripe Adidas logo on your chest.
But other experts of every stripe are offering their ideas to remake a better New Orleans.
But do these moves really mark the beginning of the end for the magnetic stripe?
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As Burberry's classic check surfaces everywhere, the company is pushing a new pattern: the Burberry stripe.
It was like painting a stripe with a brush that's only half its width.
In Tunisia and Morocco Islamists of a similar stripe to the Brotherhood have handsomely won elections.
This time, however, unlike then, Mr Netanyahu's team is not of one ideological stripe.
Perhaps the real problem is the colour Berlin's conservative-led government has chosen for the stripe.
They are responsible for patching up, rebuilding, stripe-painting, putting up signs and, most winters, ploughing snow.
About half the ministers in his conservative coalition government are republicans of one stripe or another.
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Know about those three-digit codes on the back of your card, imprinted next to the magnetic stripe?
Many Seibu customers use a loyalty card with a magnetic stripe to earn rewards with each purchase.
This time, he said he liked German painter Gerhard Richter's wall-size print "Stripe" at Marian Goodman's booth.
One terrific room I saw had walls clad in horizontal wooden planks, which created a natural stripe.
The arches are painted with wide stripes in hot, spicy colors that Ozbek describes as a circus stripe.
In skimming, information is stolen from a card's magnetic stripe and then used to make a counterfeit card.
What is a manager, an entrepreneur, or a professional of any stripe supposed to make of all this?
Politicians keep extending them because, no matter their political stripe, raising taxes tends to also raise constituent ire.
It should be strenuously denounced by their fellow Democrats, as well as by Americans of every other stripe.
The cards have a programmable magnetic stripe that gives customers more functions than your standard piece of plastic.
Stripe has been building this new product for nine months and been testing it in production for six months.
FORBES: Stripe Launches Stripe Connect To Let Users Accept Online Payments
Separately, researchers have cracked the mystery of how stripe rust is able to overcome resistance in wheat so quickly.
Stripe charges the same amount for Stripe Connect as its regular payments service.
FORBES: Stripe Launches Stripe Connect To Let Users Accept Online Payments
West Elm has a cotton stripe one that comes in a terribly au courant citron with a gray edge.
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Almost every look that Tommy Hilfiger showed had a stripe of some sort.
Mathieu even resembles his namesake, with dyed-blond hair that echoes the vanilla stripe that runs down the animal's back.