With him are a studious but sultry librarian (Rachel Weisz) and her dim but cowardly brother (John Hannah).
By Masai standards, Mr Kinyago's is a studious family: only 35% of the children of Kenyan pastoralists attend classes.
ECONOMIST: Why the Masai send their slower children to school
Its haiku-like sayings such as "always be studious and creative, " and "always have respect for God, " remain mottos at Toyota today.
NPR: AP Interview: Toyota Chief Stresses Safe Growth
By the sixth form, he had gone from a quiet studious boy to a popular outgoing young man, known among friends as the life and soul of a party.
BBC: Obituary: Philip Russell
The day after the Budget is traditionally when studious journalists look for hidden bombs in the many documents released alongside the Budget, which they didn't get a chance to read.
BBC: Borrowing: is it up or is it down?
They are the culmination of years of studious review of human nature spurred by the need to provide freedom to a stained world and at the same time maintain order.
FORBES: Readers Say
Bud, a poor single father whose sole claim on respectability is his daughter, Molly (the smart, relaxed Madeline Carroll), an ambitious and studious fifth grader, will cast that vote ten days after Election Day.
The place is provincial England, the time is the nineteen-eighties, and the hero is Will Proudfoot (Bill Milner), a shy and studious boy who lives with his mother among the Plymouth Brethren, a religious sect.
NEWYORKER: Son of Rambow
Mr. Holmes found a crew of studious students living on his hall that appeared a good fit for him his freshman year of college in the honors dorm Pentland Hills at UC Riverside, one hall mate recalled.
WSJ: Shooting Suspect's Behavior Provided Few Clues
Malcolm, who achieved fame in the early sixties as a compelling spokesman for the black-pride philosophy of the Nation of Islam, is an unlikely hero for a big-studio prestige picture: he begins as a predatory street criminal, becomes a studious Muslim ascetic, and fulfills himself as a scourge.