European leaders could do worse than study our Constitution, particularly the provision for the Senate.
"Not a single Italian journalist contacted me about the Lancet study" said Stefania Salmaso in Rome.
Universities in the United States are also recognising the importance of study abroad programs.
The British Medical Association (BMA) said the "important study" confirmed that passive smoking kills.
In an internal study last summer Cisco identified 100 corporate customers making big use of Asterisk.
Until April 1, the Web site said the study started in February 2006.
Almost 50% of black women had zero or negative wealth, according to one study.
In one classic study, psychologist Ronald Finke asked participants to create an art project.
You can find a statistic or study to support nearly every wacky theory out there.
Motoring organisations have expressed disappointment after a study found drivers are paying fair fuel prices.
The study found that participants burned an astonishing 272 calories during a 20-minute workout.
Caldas at the Cambridge Research Institute, where they utilise genomic tools to study RNA in breast cancer.
As for the gender demographics of study abroad programs, more women than men travel overseas to study.
Of students who study in the US, the majority go to California, New York and Texas, respectively.
By contrast, the more complex National Assessment of Educational Progress test is designed to study average performance.
The study, which involved 750 patients from 19 centres across the UK, took seven years to complete.
Superfluids are also used to study the fundamentals of matter and test major tenets of quantum physics.
This study - we were concerned when we first saw this study for the exact same reason.
The highlight is a massive studio displaying his works, including a study for Man at the Crossroads.
BBC: Three days with Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera in Mexico City
The study looked at the diet of 1, 100 pregnant women and newborns from the five European countries.
Mabbott urged me to study the sausage, which she said indicates the overall quality of the breakfast.
BBC: Does England make the world��s most delicious breakfast?
Now NPR's John Nielsen reports that a new study has added some facts to the rhetorical fire.
Popkin and his team based their estimate on a 20-year longitudinal study that included more than 5, 100 participants.
This is not the first time a study has shown a benefit in preventing the risk of cancer.
He is working on a study on upward mobility in global cities for the London-based Legatum Institute.
Many internationals come to study, work and even retire here, adding a zest to this already cosmopolitan metropolis.
And the study is relatively recent, but it did get a lot of attention when it first published.
When this study first came out, I actually wrote a piece about it for AOL's Black Voices website.
The study raises the longer-term issue of the impact on families of such opportunistic approaches to the truth.
Moderate noise allows us to enter a state of mind conducive to creative breakthroughs, the study found.