You can eat dishes such as white sausage and stuffed cabbage on the upper floor.
Two shots behind going to the 18th, Chappell stuffed his approach to tap-in range for birdie.
Stuffed taxidermy hangs on the walls and bar seats are made of repurposed tractor parts.
Swedes waved baguettes, into the ends of which they had stuffed little Swedish flags.
They chatted and laughed together as they scoffed chicken, sandwiches, stuffed vine leaved and strawberry scones.
Stuffed bears, dolls, trucks, building blocks and other traditional favourites have had a particularly tough time.
Peranakan-style black fatty pork... meat-stuffed cabbage... beef curry... fried yellow noodles... pork and rice sausages...
BBC: Singapore��s marathon food tour (bring an empty stomach)
She somewhat reluctantly stuffed a couple of bills into the tamper-resistant bucket and hurried off.
In short, the iPad-stuffed UPS truck will be making a lot of stops Friday morning.
He shoots like he's trying to win the giant stuffed panda at the street fair.
That afternoon, Huong secretly packed a suitcase and stuffed some of my clothes into a duffelbag.
But Mr Wiranto's party is stuffed with former military men and lacks democratic credentials.
And indeed, Orville flies, thanks to plastic propellers and a remote-control engine stuffed inside his belly.
The ball was waiting for him in his locker, stuffed in a white sock.
Stuffed shirts with a tin ear have no place in the ultra-high net worth advisory industry.
Bouchon--French for "cork"--wasn't a man, but instead a suit stuffed with the traditional bottle plugs.
And sixteen color folders stuffed with product sheets, company histories, demo disks and business cards.
He tells me the stuffed animals are about inspiring a sense of humility and mortality.
Fossilised bones and a stuffed gull are among the items plucked from the museum's collection.
When I had to spank the stuffed animals for being bad, I became the mean teacher.
Hudy used to bar him from the weight room until he stuffed himself with enough calories.
WSJ: Final Four 2012: Kansas Jayhawks' Secret Weapon: Andrea Hudy
The other 30% ends up in a few aggregate bond funds stuffed with U.S. government debt.
FORBES: Three Steps to Break from the Herd and Invest Your 401(k) Like a Millionaire
As a shareholder, however, give me the well-stuffed vault over the talented and hungry looter.
Let's cover his ears. (Laughter.) He's probably going to get some stuffed toys.
The bishop had the sparrow stuffed and mounted and kept it on his desk.
In Courmayeur, it was stuffed with ground walnuts into sunflower-shaped pasta topped with cream sauce.
During his tenure, as before, the NYSE's board was stuffed with Wall Street big-hitters.
Stuffed into one of his pockets was a laminated gridded map of the compound.
The curry mayo will make this a spicy, sweet, and messy affair but you will be stuffed for hours.