There was more riding on this weekend's speeches than on a typical stump speech.
But impeccable judgement outside off-stump and a slice or two of luck saw him through those tentative beginnings.
Among the dead were protected creatures such as a red-crowned crane, four stump-tailed macaques and a brown bear.
He's out on the stump now saying false hope, false hope, what is that?
Obama was scheduled to stump on Wednesday in Wisconsin, which will hold its primaries next Tuesday.
That undercuts one of the principle arguments McCain's been making on the stump: experience.
Google is famous for trying to stump potential job recruits with brainteasers.
Bell was granted a full-toss wide of off-stump to despatch for his first boundary.
Sidebottom returned to remove Hitchock's middle stump, and it was job done for England.
No one in Brazil's presidential stump has more charisma or more practice than Lula.
It refuses to stump up towards energy aid, but may contribute to the disabling costs.
They stump up millions of dollars for everything from concert halls to police radios.
Mr Bush made clear on the stump that recent hold-ups had irritated him greatly.
Steyn then ended the Test in the most emphatic fashion, flattening Iain O'Brien's middle stump.
In Farkhar's hospital, Suleiman, thin and fifty-something, looked at the stump of his amputated leg.
But rather than actually stump up the cash the other countries have pledged their credit ratings.
He actually sounds a lot more politically savvy than he does on the stump.
There was little other resistance and Streak wrapped up the victory by uprooting Jamie Grove's leg-stump.
Cricket added a third stump to its wicket as long ago as the 1770s.
Mitt Romney gave his standard stump speech in Janesville recently, with Ryan at his side.
Katich opened the face in an attempt to steer an off-stump delivery away but mistimed the shot.
But unless outsiders stump up a lot more money, countries in the region will remain reluctant partners.
Stump speeches were specific to the local audience, rarely made national news, and rarely influenced undecided voters.
Feeling his oats, Mr. Perry continued the animated delivery style in his media appearances and stump speeches.
Stump, a Sussex terrier came out of retirement to win it all a couple of years ago.
Former President Bill Clinton was slated to stump for Democrats in New Haven and Norwalk Sunday evening.
The stump had been severed from the limb in a way that made attaching a prosthetic impossible.
They will also have to stump up for smaller bail-outs in industries such as construction and sugar.
ECONOMIST: The beginning of the end of the longest-ruling party | The
He is so nervous on the stump that he insisted on taking notes into a televised debate.
But although there were more leaden-footed swishes outside off-stump and a miscued heave to long-off, the game was drifting away.