They want the perk, a lot of people want the iPhone or the Stun Gun.
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None of the three arrested was said to have been injured by the stun gun.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Taser fired as three fight in pub
Belfast Magistrates Court heard charges included taking part in an unnotified public procession, obstructing traffic and possessing a stun gun.
The 59-year-old was shot with a stun gun on 6 March in Epworth, a report by Humberside Police Authority revealed.
BBC: Dementia patient tasered by police alarming says charity
The agency denied it had stopped counting stun gun seizures altogether, claiming the statistics from 2009-2010 onwards were "in the verification process".
The police watchdog is investigating whether a Taser electric stun gun ignited a flammable liquid which caused a man to be fatally burned.
The court heard the "stun gun" style weapons were found when police searched Downes's home address and a car on 3 August 2012.
The agency denied it had stopped counting stun gun seizures altogether.
BBC: Stun guns bought via mail order come through UK Customs
He said one of the officers used a stun gun to help subdue the man, who Chalfan said he recognized from a drama class last year.
Dealing with the stun gun allegations, the lawyer said Mr Frazer had taken it from people involved in a dispute in Markethill, County Armagh, a number of years ago.
On Sunday night, authorities said they had to use a stun gun to subdue Mr Routh in custody after he became belligerent and refused to hand back his food tray.
He said Mr Cregan had then fired 24 shots at PC Bone, who had managed to draw and fire her Taser stun gun, and hit her between five and eight times.
BBC: Dale Cregan 'ordered beer and cigars' before PC murders
Argenbright, which has been under federal investigation, appointed Beaton early this month to lead the company after a man slipped by a screening area at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport with knives and a stun gun.
Last weekend, Subash Gurung, 27, who said he was from Nepal, managed to pass through a security checkpoint at O'Hare with seven knives, a stun gun and a box labeled "tear gas" in his carry-on luggage.
But a report from the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), which investigated the police's involvement, said while the officers acted "appropriately" in using an electric stun gun to restrain Mr Anikinas, "more could have been done to try to identify why Mr Anikinas was so agitated".
The law-enforcement official said the stun-gun had been used in the alleged attack on his ex-girlfriend.
Special offer: Jim Collins told his readers to buy a small but growing stun-gun maker last August.
She had at least 15 separate injuries associated with the stun-gun, in addition to numerous cuts and bruises.
Kennedy International Airport while carrying a stun-gun on Wednesday, a law-enforcement official said.