Stunted trees were the only things rising more than a few feet above the mud.
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The trees grow small and stunted, their living branches bleached bone-white by wind and dust.
The lilies, it turned out, contained a poison, later dubbed cyclopamine, that stunted developing lamb embryos.
The rise of graduate assistants in college football stunted the professional advancement of high-school coaches.
"These parasitic infections cause malnutrition, stunted growth, and stunted mental development, " added Dr Bogoch.
Bush's account of his decision-making in his Iraq chapter will likely seem stunted to many readers.
New economic figures from the U.S. government indicate stunted financial growth, both domestically and internationally.
Citi has an oddly stunted retail franchise in America, but its vast international operations did well.
Stunted by wind, frozen earth and long winters, the forest has grown considerably slower than Astana itself.
Every major crop around the globe is being stunted, from rice to wheat to cotton to soybeans.
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Science was being stunted at the time by the limitations of mechanical adding machines, said Mr Hauser.
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But because they lack the extensive property rights that we take for granted, their economies are stunted.
Coeliac disease is often diagnosed in childhood, and can be characterised by a distended stomach and stunted growth.
They live stunted lives, but they don't, by and large, wreck the lives of the rest of us.
About half of all Zambian children are malnourished to the point of being stunted, a fifth severely so.
Patience Burnett was born in late February with a hole in her left diaphragm that stunted her lungs.
In contrast, growth in network and IT-related IM businesses was stunted by heated pricing in the fourth quarter.
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Yet in a typical African country, one-third of the children under five still have stunted growth due to malnutrition.
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Yet their Hinduist scheme now looks stunted: the BJP and Shiv Sena have lost successive state-level and general elections.
Unable to read or write, they are stunted from reaching their full potential.
There were also the tiny strawberries and raspberries clinging to stunted little bushes.
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But little is known about what makes an effective HDL particle versus a stunted, useless one, Dr. Newton says.
The rise in tablets has stunted PC growth and spelled trouble for companies like Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) and Dell. (DELL).
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The Verna of the day before had died, and a different Verna had solidified in her place: stunted, twisted, mangled.
The economy will almost certainly fall back into recession, long term growth will be stunted, and confidence will be shattered.
Whether at 90% of GDP or more, excessive borrowing has often fueled inflation or stunted economic growth (with one major exception).
This sort of rule means that the private sector remains stunted, largely confined to small family businesses involved in import trading.
Kilroy had a stunted appearance, accentuated by oiled black hair sleekly brushed straight back, making the top of his head seem flat.
Yet within this vast economic complex, mental health remains a stunted subdomain.
W. Marriott, Jr. said the move was a bold one to move out of the growth-stunted years that the hotel industry has sustained.
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