Mr. Solana, in turn, publicly accused his counterpart from New Zealand of ignorance and stupidity.
Taxpayers may thus pay over the odds and banks may be rewarded for their stupidity.
This week, I will write about the only known antidote to institutional stupidity, mavericks.
Building anything with a short-term destination in mind is an exercise in nothing less than stupidity.
The utter stupidity of erecting trade barriers during a recession is well known (Smoot-Hawley, etc.).
The concept of re-marrying an ex-spouse is a perplexing blend of hope and stupidity.
But an organized attack would be a kind of stupidity that was hard to fathom.
But the Democrats are laughing at the stupidity of the Republicans and this Ryan plan.
That actually crime is a result of the stupidity brought on by environmental poisoning.
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There is really no description of stupidity, no matter how vivid, that is adequate.
The prosecution says "sheer stupidity" got the better of Mr Williams "not once, but twice".
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President Fernandez described his comments as an "expression of mediocrity, and almost of stupidity".
"You don't get mistakes this big based on stupidity alone, " says George Loewenstein of Carnegie Mellon University.
Those involved said the key to a successful GotchaBox is striking the right balance between plausibility and stupidity.
Republican stupidity forced him to choose big bucks as an entertainer over service to his nation, he explains.
Cipolla's words were a comic twist on the observation that society makes progress despite excessive pessimism and abundant stupidity.
Stupidity precedes Twitter by many thousands of years, and I suspect it will last long after Twitter is gone.
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K. Galbraith once said, rescues firms from the errors of optimism and stupidity.
Relying on a single source of U.S demand and single source of supply would be the pinnacle of economic stupidity.
To not provide you an opportunity to compete for this position would be nothing less than shortsighted stupidity on my part.
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There is no known method of destruction other than one, which we inflict on ourselves in a fit of incredible stupidity.
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Its report argued that investors needed to exercise "greater responsibility" in the future but points out, "unfortunately you cannot regulate against stupidity".
So, the question is whether it is simply stupidity, well-intentioned but nonetheless patrician policy, or that there is a darker side .
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And, as noted, Komen For The Cure has behaved with shocking stupidity.
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Acts of stupidity that would have resulted in shame and disgrace in other cultures (and industries) are no big deal in finance.
These people all get away with such stupidity because they know there is no chance that anyone will see them do this.
Which is I think where we came in, just plain, flat stupidity.
Neither the stupidity of others nor the new rules of the game (most notably Sarbanes-Oxley) have done--or will do--much to slow the wrongdoing.
Finally a solicitor friend pointed out the stupidity of the situation and was just the news story that newspapers and TV look for.
But once greed and stupidity entered the picture, consumers told CEO Reed Hastings where to stick it, and investors scattered.
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