On the subject of the assembly, many in Labour - particularly outside the political class in Cardiff Bay - believe that the next logical step for the party in Wales is to contribute to or even start a debate about the political culture that should develop so as to underpin the new constitutional structures.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Labour's 'tribe' in election mood
The matter was the subject of verbal clashes between Mr Cameron and Labour leader Ed Miliband at Prime Minister's Questions.
BBC: Youth unemployment: Fears over record figures
Nicholas Budgen, one of the 14, went as far as writing an article for the Times which urged his fellow Tories to challenge Labour on the subject in defiance of the leadership's decision to play down immigration.
ECONOMIST: The ethnic vote
Ed Miliband was said to be finished and unelectable and the subject of muttering, if not, plots in the Labour Party.
BBC: A postcard to the Westminster village
The danger of this happening will become acute on December 21st, when a Scottish businessman, Andrew Cubie, is due, at Mr Dewar's request, to publish a report about the future of university tuition fees, a subject which accident as much as design has elevated into a difference of high principle between Labour and the Lib Dems.
ECONOMIST: The Scottish play
The coalition's proposals for gay marriage have the backing of Labour and the Liberal Democrats but Conservative MPs remain deeply divided on the subject.
BBC: Government extends marriage to same-sex couples
This is worth watching, because Labour has taken the line that IMF money should not be used for eurozone bailouts - and that very issue could one day become the subject of another Conservative uprising (there was a notable one in July) - and if Labour is backed by Tory rebels, the government could be defeated.
BBC: Viewing guide: The pick of the week ahead in Parliament
Labour were still having none of it, so - unlike a good fugue - the subject and counter subject were not resolved in glorious harmony.
BBC: Who paved way for NHS regional pay?
Mr Grayling was responding to shadow work and pensions secretary Liam Byrne who said, as he opened a Labour-led debate on the subject on 9 November 2011, that the "crisis" of youth unemployment had been "unfolding in almost every community in this country".
BBC: Government defends record on youth unemployment