The appointment by West Yorkshire's commissioner, Mark Burns-Williamson, is subject to ratification by the Police and Crime Panel on 8 February.
BBC: West Yorkshire Police's new chief constable announced
Of course, such agreements of major importance, international agreements, under our constitution and under our legislation, are subject to ratification by our parliaments.
WHITEHOUSE: Signing of New START Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia
America's Northwest Airlines reached an agreement with its mechanics union, subject to ratification by union members, that should head off forthcoming strike action.
ECONOMIST: Business this week | The
Cohen, who has been leading the talks since last year, says the agreement remains subject to ratification by both parties and additional local union negotiations.
WSJ: Ports, longshoremen avert strike
This was later extended to 200m, subject to the ratification of the cabinet.
Each international convention is subject to agreement (in the form of ratification, acceptance or accession) by individual States.
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