He stressed that the crisis is having "far-reaching effects" in West Africa and the Sahel, and that it has heightened the terrorism threat in the subregion.
CNN: Malian security forces push into rebel territory
Local leaders in the Acholi subregion, adjacent to the Lango subregion where Lira is located, plan to host a screening of the video on Saturday in Gulu, Ms. Okot said.
WSJ: 'Kony' Screening Inflames Ugandans
"The reaction being portrayed does not reflect the general sentiment of leaders on the ground in the Acholi subregion, who have come out in vocal support of the film and the advocacy behind it, " she said.
WSJ: 'Kony' Screening Inflames Ugandans
As part of the FRIEND AMIGO LAC database system, the Regional Draught Surveillance and Diagnosis System Project maintains a regional climate and meteorological database for the subregion of Mesoamerica and the Caribbean that is currently being prepared for the whole region of Latin America.
UNESCO: Data Base