It has promised to move all squatters in the area to subsidised housing by 2005.
The State Council called for the construction of government-subsidised housing to be stepped up.
The party also plans a big increase in the construction of government-subsidised housing.
But the state always guaranteed them jobs, workplace perks, free health care and education, and heavily subsidised housing and transport.
What this research rather missed though is that social housing, the government built and subsidised housing, is even worse in this respect.
He wants HUD to be more than the department of subsidised housing, and hopes to focus too on the urban development side.
They will be offered subsidised housing and scholarships for their children.
Workers who are laid off will continue to benefit from free health care and education, heavily subsidised housing and transport and modest rations of free food.
But despite the backing of many villagers, there is a reminder here that trying to "buck the market" to provide subsidised housing can be a hugely controversial move.
The number of affordable houses being built for those requiring subsidised housing has failed to keep pace with demand and is currently lower than it was a decade ago.
Mr Leung said more land would be made available for housing and targets set for subsidised public housing units.
Since then, the government has launched a number of initiatives, including installing wheelchair ramps in 26, 000 schools, and providing subsidised loans for housing for the disabled.
ECONOMIST: Help for the handicapped can be a way of helping everyone
Health care and housing, subsidised by all six states, are generally of a high standard.
In 1980 the roughly three-in-ten families who lived in social rented housing were given the right to buy their homes at subsidised rates.