Many others, however, are too concerned with day-to-day subsistence to care about their carbon footprint.
People will also be allowed to keep income from subsistence farming and small businesses.
The Germans devised the Hartz IV system to limit benefits to a subsistence level of living.
Shamefully, many charities even subvert their core principles so as to qualify for federal subsistence.
Many of them live a subsistence existence and they can't afford to get here.
The loss of social roles with continued subsistence can result in interesting social animal consequences.
But the end of the mills pushed lots of families from subsistence to survival.
There is a culture of prosperity, a culture of subsistence, and a culture of survival.
And that means of advancement still works for a few children of subsistence families each year.
He and his friends, some of them neighboring subsistence farmers, always had some project going.
Africans are emerging from a subsistence economy and have a craving for consumer goods.
About 800 polar bears are killed by subsistence hunters each year, the U.S. says.
True, Chad uses little energy, but the country is largely reliant on low-tech subsistence farming.
Most will go back to subsistence living or very low paying jobs after the games conclude.
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Civilizations are constrained directly by the quality and quantity of available safe drinking and subsistence water.
For many subsistence farmers there, the problem is how to replant at all, and what.
His brother Mirzo, also a teacher, has given up his job for subsistence farming.
Hunter-gatherers usually only had to work a few hours a day at subsistence needs.
This imbalance will make subsistence farming, upon which millions of Africans depend, even more precarious.
This inviolate "death and taxes" truth sustained me--a peace-loving granny, a tree-hugging liberal--through 64 years of protected, upper-middle-class subsistence.
Cattle have begun to die and the many subsistence farmers have seen their crops wither.
Since little was offered by way of farm support services, much of it reverted to subsistence.
It is a place of subsistence farming, where four-fifths are poor and a few are very rich.
So this is a subsistence lake that we're gonna lose in the next 10 years or so.
It may engineer growth by mobilising people and resources from low-productivity activities, like subsistence agriculture, toward industry.
Originally a way of obtaining food, falconry is today identified with camaraderie and sharing rather than subsistence.
The paper appears to focus on cash incomes but many of the world's poor are subsistence farmers.
Most remained mired in subsistence level agriculture until suddenly advances in the Anglosphere catapulted living standards forward.
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The opposite of capitalism and free trade would be something like subsistence farming or perhaps a nomadic existence.
Two out of three Ugandans still depend on subsistence farming, and fewer than one in ten have electricity.