The policy guidance issued by HHS and State requires that SSPs be implemented as part of a comprehensive program for injection drug users that includes linkage and referral to substance abuse prevention and treatment services, mental health services, and other support services.
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But the latest study, published in the journal Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, questions this approach.
BBC: NEWS | Health | Drinking at home 'cuts bingeing'
Informed by this basic understanding, the 2010 and 2011 Strategies established and promoted a balance of evidence-based public health and safety initiatives focusing on key areas such as substance abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery.
WHITEHOUSE: 2012 National Drug Control Strategy
Asian American Recovery Services, Inc. (AARS) provides substance abuse prevention and treatment services to thousands of residents across Santa Clara, San Mateo, and San Francisco Counties.
WHITEHOUSE: The White House
Some of these health services include doctor visits and check-ups, dental and vision care, diabetes prevention and treatment, mental health and substance abuse treatment, and home health care.
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In appointing the Deputy Director for Demand Reduction under this paragraph, the President shall take into consideration the scientific, educational or professional background of the individual, and whether the individual has experience in the fields of substance abuse prevention, education, or treatment.
WHITEHOUSE: Reauthorization Act of 1998