This synthetic chalk could substitute for some of the Portland cement now used in construction.
Revision expert Patrick Wilson warned that charms and rituals were no substitute for proper revision.
There is no real substitute for them in terms of liquidity and market depth.
It said gunpowder or powder from fireworks can be used as a substitute for match heads.
The rating agencies say they were never supposed to substitute for investors' own due diligence.
And tinkering with food oils is no substitute for heart-protecting drugs or sweeping changes in diet.
There is simply no substitute for hard work when it comes to achieving success.
Anybody who thinks gold is a substitute for productivity is not a productive thinker.
Criminal prosecution and punishment are not the same as, or a substitute for, congressionally imposed sanctions.
Individual action should help make systemic change easier, but it will never substitute for systematic change.
No government program is a substitute for the jobs provided by a growing economy.
Guesses are no substitute for the certitude we need when it comes to such life-and-death matters.
But philanthropy is not a substitute for a working state under the rule of law.
They were detained at Her Majesty's pleasure, the usual substitute for life imprisonment for juvenile offenders.
Size should never outpace capability, and size should not be a substitute for quality.
Hopefully, this new exercise can be used a something of a substitute for that one.
But a statutory debt limit is a poor substitute for a constitutional balanced budget amendment.
Is nothing more than a high-tech crutch, a state-of-the-art substitute for old-fashioned good parenting?
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And a baby's brain is plastic, able to reprogram one area to substitute for another.
Cash transfers, as analyst Pratap Bhanu Mehta says, can never be a substitute for governance.
Even now, Mr Yeltsin seems to view declarations of intent as an acceptable substitute for action.
Being licensed as an insurance agent is not a substitute for a securities license.
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As with Mr Morales in Bolivia, constitutional tinkering may prove to be no substitute for governing.
Potentially, this could allow one resonant-tunnelling transistor to substitute for dozens of conventional ones.
But too often extra cash has been a substitute for reform, rather than lubrication for it.
But protecting the least desirable jobs is a poor substitute for encouraging better education and training.
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Occasional building work is better than nothing, but not a satisfactory substitute for long-term jobs.
As these cases illustrate, winning the lottery is no substitute for good money management.
And they would be no substitute for other sensible environmental policies, such as a carbon tax.
But these were only a part-substitute for the cash, steel and skills that post-war Britain lacked.