It has done so by substituting its many judgments for the few hard facts it has.
So I created the Mortoni by substituting tonic for the vermouth and vodka for the gin.
Kvaal says the company can achieve this by substituting some parts and dropping others altogether.
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Philanthropy should build the demand for these things instead of substituting for government action.
This creates the possibility of substituting Education for Health, Health for Income or Income for Education.
Substituting red meat with fish, chicken or nuts lowered the risks, the authors said.
BBC: Red meat increases death, cancer and heart risk, says study
Many thought that he had ruined the risk-taking culture at the bank without substituting much else.
So Ford modified the system for the Wayne plant, substituting a Stirling engine for the fuel cell.
In the past, you have criticised unelected judges for substituting their judgment for that of elected legislatures.
Traditional banks remain careful about lending, but Amazon, flush with cash, is eagerly substituting for the banks.
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In 1913, when Frank was substituting for Taylor in Chicago, Lillian went along, with a three-month-old nursling.
In India, Taco Bell and McDonald's are Hindu-friendly, substituting beef for chicken, lamb, potatoes or paneer (Indian cheese).
In 1982 the Goo Goo Cluster Supreme was introduced, using the same concept but substituting pecans for peanuts.
Tamoxifen works by substituting for estrogen in breast tissue, hogging all the estrogen receptors on breast cancer cells.
Jewelry designers and manufacturers have already been substituting other metals for gold and in some cases mixing metals.
Our educational system, however, is simply incapable of substituting training in thinking for training in being on this score.
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Microsoft has failed to gain sufficient share in the smartphone or tablet markets that are substituting for those PCs.
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It avoided substituting Venezuelan heavy-tar oil used in Gulf Coast refineries with a similar product from near-by Canadian friends.
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When Gordon tips the scales a single pound too high, he cuts out whole meals, substituting a Carnation instant breakfast.
Paternity leave is almost sashimi-rare on Capitol Hill, with many new fathers substituting sick leave or vacation time for leave.
"Users seem to be substituting websites for applications, which may be more convenient to access throughout the day, " the report said.
They included substituting an existing levy on French telecoms operators that helps subsidise film-making with a new tax based on their revenues.
Substituting Trills for conventional debt helps deleverage the government, something whose importance has become very clear with the debt crisis in Europe.
Legal academics call this substituting a property rule for a liability rule.
At the current low levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, rubisco in C3 plants can be fooled into substituting oxygen molecules for carbon-dioxide molecules.
WSJ: Harrison H. Schmitt and William Happer: In Defense of Carbon Dioxide
They end up substituting one addictive substance for another, manufactured in volume inside the conservative idea mills like pills in a pharmaceutical factory.
Some of Mr Bush's advisers want to explore substituting conventional power plants for the nuclear ones promised, but South Korea opposes that idea.
An arbitrary system like IPAB lacks transparency and oversight, substituting an unelected board for government, without any true checks and balances by Congress.
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Firms can propose anything that would cut greenhouse emissions, from distributing electric bulbs to substituting clean fuels for dirty ones at power plants.
House Majority Leader James Wright, another Texas Democrat, talks of substituting income tax credits for each year of continued employment past age 65.