And that willingness to subsume herself, that humility and that grace, is why we honor Dr. Dorothy Height.
WHITEHOUSE: Remembering Dr. Dorothy Height
During the next decade, the Net will subsume all that tickles the eardrum in your old Betsy: radios, tapes, CDs and phone services .
FORBES: Digital Rules
If it wants to be South America's friendly giant, rather than a southern Uncle Sam, Brazil might ponder imitating Germany's role in Europe, and subsume its narrow national sovereignty in pursuit of the greater goal of unity.
ECONOMIST: Brazil��s foreign policy: Southern crossroads | The
He would spend the next three decades, ending with some equations scribbled while on his deathbed in 1955, stubbornly criticizing what he regarded as the incompleteness of quantum mechanics while attempting to subsume it into a unified field theory.
NPR: Einstein: Relatively Speaking, a Complicated Life
Robinson should start negotiations that would subsume the Kampala talks, and the Obama administration should follow the U.N. lead in appointing a senior-level envoy to the peace process and ensure that regional economic integration and security issues are brought to the fore of the process.
CNN: Congo's "Terminator" surrenders, what next for peace?