These traditional, only-in-Arequipa restaurants are usually located in suburban areas and inspire fanatical local followings.
Dias, formerly from suburban Cincinnati, now lives in Atlanta with her partner and their 2-year-old daughter.
Even central Austin seems rather spread out and suburban compared to traditional East Coast cities.
Little known to us suburban rock neophytes, a 1976 counter movement had already begun.
Growing up in suburban Boston he began tinkering at age 5 with an IBM PC Junior.
Samsung has been testing a prototype Experience boutique in a suburban Dallas Best Buy store.
Yet as suburban construction ended, cities continued building high-density urban housing--sometimes encouraged by city subsidies.
Health information technology is a key issue for my district and all suburban health care.
State damage assessment teams were working in parts of Philadelphia and its four suburban counties Sunday.
Relieving traffic congestion reduces the appeal of public transit and fuels the growth of suburban sprawl.
With little public transit service available, the gulf between city workers and suburban jobs only widens.
He fueled the expansion of our cities into megalopolises with suburban and exurban communities.
FORBES: With The Dow At All Time Highs, Why Are Investors So Queasy?
"I'm worried, " said Mark Fuchs , a National Weather Service hydrologist in suburban St.
Suburban life these days is so much a matter of people living quiet lives of separation.
On the other hand, some 91% of its 200, 000 population increase occurred in the suburban periphery.
As the Blackhawk helicopter lifts off from Lafayette, the landscape below is docile, even suburban.
Privatisation sharpens the contrast between profitable inter-city express trains and loss-making rural and suburban ones.
He was discovered that evening hiding in a boat covered by a tarp in suburban Watertown.
But even those who turn their nose up at suburban life are probably affected by it.
Through all this, the chattering class never lost its contempt for homeowners and their suburban refuges.
In late July, a suburban club popular with 20-something students and office workers was raided.
The graphic designer, originally from Detroit, has been living in the suburban town for 10 years.
Officers described it as a "targeted attack" in a "low crime, suburban area of Liverpool".
Now select equivalent nice suburban areas across the country and see what comparable houses cost.
The Realtor in Orlando showed them several houses, but one suburban neighborhood in particular captivated them.
Earlier Thursday, school officials announced that Columbine High, in suburban Denver, would be closed indefinitely.
Nancy and I got rid of our Suburban and got a Volkswagen that runs on biodiesel.
There's enough ice on the suburban avenue of your choice to sink the Titanic.
Chevy Trailblazer and Tahoe are both down 23%, and the hefty Suburban is down 29%.
The suburban cul-de-sac offered a safe place to play, with lower crime rates than cities.