John Luciw's family moved to the suburban district of Discovery Bay, on Lantau island three year ago, in the belief that the air quality is better there.
Among the areas worst hit by the rains on Saturday was the suburban district of Fangshan, which saw just over 18 inches of rain over the course of the storm, Xinhua reported.
That's exactly what Kelley Williams-Bolar did, pulling her 12- and 16-year-old daughters out of the decrepit school they attended in Akron, Ohio, and enrolling them in a suburban district where her father lived.
"This is not a ripple effect, " Rep. Jennifer Dunn, whose suburban Seattle district includes thousands of Boeing workers, told the Associated Press.
No matter how long you're planning to stay, be sure to leave time to visit the National Palace Museum, in the suburban Waishuanghsi district.
In struggling urban schools in particular, students "can't afford to have a single great teacher cut in a way that maybe a kid in a suburban school district could, " he said.
WSJ: Newark Lays Off Newest Teachers, Even If They're the Best Teachers
The Internet is changing the rules for one school district in suburban Chicago.
Tension in a suburban New York school district is rooted in an unusual dynamic: The families who send their children to public schools are mostly Hispanic and African-American.
Health information technology is a key issue for my district and all suburban health care.
As whites began to leave Little Rock's inner city and increasingly place their children in suburban and private schools, Little Rock School District's schools became increasingly African-American.
The Boston Marathon course winds its way through eight cities and towns, 26.2 miles that lead from the suburban, residential neighborhoods in Hopkinton to the business district of Boston's Back Bay.
Eleven years later, the Hua family leave their French Concession town house almost every Saturday to head to their weekend home in Zhaoxiang, a rural suburban township 22 miles west of Shanghai's city center, in the district of Qingpu.
What began with a decline in upstate urban districts has spread into suburban and rural districts, statistics show, forcing administrators to mothball buildings and explore not only team, but entire district, mergers.