Manufacturers need to find a way to succinctly manage multiple suppliers across a number of regions.
"Things collapse" says David (Elliot Villar) succinctly and sadly, toward the end of the play.
"Today Aimee has finally spoken her first words, " Andy Copeland wrote succinctly, promising more details later.
It was a noble and important undertaking succinctly presented with a quiet confidence by Ms. Pinder.
This think piece is very thought-provoking, succinctly put and cries out for a really good discussion.
As succinctly stated by Saugatuck CEO William McNee, cloud information technology enables new ways of doing business.
' It describes succinctly and accurately the investment style that guided Windsor while I was in charge.
The shift from print to digital, as Tom Vander Ark so succinctly puts it, is upon us.
Crossbencher Lord Owen said Lord Marks had "succinctly explained what this bill needs".
Justin said succinctly that NoSQL is a movement for choice in database architecture.
John Stossel succinctly and entertainingly deals with numerous topics for which what we think we know is indeed wrong.
As Judge Holmes succinctly stated in deciding the case, not appraising what was actually donated is a big problem.
They called it muruwah, a complex term that is difficult to translate succinctly.
The flaws in the tax-power argument are so numerous and abstract that it is difficult to explain them succinctly.
FORBES: Chief Justice Roberts' ObamaCare Decision: Peace For Our Time?
Kefalas said it a little more succinctly: Sandberg lives in a fantasy world.
CNN: The myth of balancing motherhood and a successful career
Succinctly, gold and the dollar are both havens for investors who are risk-averse.
Which is a rather flowery way of saying, as Lennon and McCartney put it more succinctly, I read the news today.
FORBES: Is Recession Making Game Development a Buyers' Market?
He threatened to fire every member of the board, which he appoints, if the matter was not dealt with succinctly.
FORBES: UVA President Teresa Sullivan Gets Her Hollywood Ending
With Twitter becoming more and more popular, there's now a drive to succinctly summarise a hot topic with the perfect hashtag.
The current role of the iPhone was succinctly highlighted today by retail data and the flurry of upward revisions to GDP estimates.
Mike Farrar, the chief executive of the NHS Confederation, has perhaps put it most succinctly in the talks he has given on the topic.
Still, to sum up the in-depth review succinctly, the Nokia N80 is the best phone ever, and will remain so until the end of time.
Ryan very succinctly summed up the Randian worldview in those remarks.
As Robert Peston has succinctly reminded us, she has good reason to be wary of the talk of a European "banking union" now coming out of Brussels.
That bit of unpleasantness done, let me move on to my second point, which is an attempt to answer your question somewhat succinctly (and likely failing on that measure).
This succinctly expresses my understanding of the situation: that human (anthropogenic) emissions of CO2 are causing the global temperature to rise, and the consequences of this are likely to be catastrophic.
Scottish Conservative Leader Annabel Goldie asked if Mr Salmond would match her party's commitment to maintain police numbers for the next four years, to which he succinctly replied "Yes, I will".
The following video succinctly explains how it works.
FORBES: The Future is Here! AeroShot Energy: Zero-Calorie, Air-based Boost of Caffeine
While each of us can easily find fault with various aspects of the documentary, we must remember that Ken Burns succinctly covered almost 20 years of baseball history in just four hours.
FORBES: The Hits and Misses of Ken Burns' New Baseball Episode