It's such a shame because we are in the job because we want to help sick people.
Marilyn Monroe would be trying to diet herself to a size zero if she was on the cinema screen now, which is such a shame.
"It's such a shame because the children of the village are coming up to me and asking when it's going to open and I'm having to tell them it's not - it's heartbreaking, " she said.
"It's such a shame that the distributor of the game treats its own customers as criminals and attempts to do their best to prevent you from actually playing the game, " one gamer wrote on
The whole situation over the last few weeks, even months, seems to be such a terrible shame for cricket in Zimbabwe.
BBC: Now, as I sit on a plane back to Australia, reality has set in
It is a shame that my students must learn these drills at such a young age -- a shame they must learn them at all.
It's a shame that such an expensive camera with high-def output comes with such a low-def approach to the basic task of composing the image.
Because shame is such a painful emotion, it is thought that people who suffer from it are more likely to externalise their behaviour by blaming others or the environment.
It remains a crying shame that the Crumlin Road courthouse is in such a terrible shape given the tourist opportunity afforded, amongst other things, by the tunnel linking it to the jail.
That's a shame, because Logitech and others have been flogging such universal controllers since way back when.
"No-one's place is guaranteed which is a shame in a way because we've had such a good start, " he said.
It is a shame Michael was allowed to bring the name of Forbes into such disrepute.
In addition to PTSD proper, such a therapist would help you recognize and deal with the feelings of anger and shame that almost always come with having been bullied.
If Perlow were a prudent person, she would have tested her remedies on small-time workaholics with a proper sense of shame about their always-on careers, such as professors, journalists, locksmiths or currency traders.
It would be a shame if brilliant minds and tax-payers' dollars were now devoted to such minor matters.