Partnership taxation is a significant part of my professional reputation, such as it is.
Naturopathic education, such as it is, is insufficient to treat heart disease, fertility problems, or cancer.
Overnight success, such as it is, usually comes about through a lot of work.
Unsurprisingly, the debate, such as it is, is led by gay Muslims outside the Islamic world.
Investor interest -- such as it is -- seems centered on infrastructure development.
But the event was also an opportunity for Obama to re-connect to the Facebook demographic, such as it is.
The current Sierra Leonean army, such as it is, plus some local militias, have also rallied to Mr Koroma's call.
ECONOMIST: Who can, or will, save the country from its savage rebels?
The story, such as it is, moves from Harvey the record collector to Harvey the cancer sufferer to Harvey the chat-show guest.
Quality control, such as it is, is exercised at the bigger venues.
Russian assertions of internal Chechen disarray may well be wishful thinking, or exaggerated: independent evidence, such as it is, tells a different story.
Something we should have pushed at the recent Middle East peace summit in Annapolis, Md. is for the Palestinian government, such as it is, to enact pro-growth policies.
The film's attraction (such as it is) isn't found in story, but in decoration: the blue-filtered chiaroscuro and etch-y comic book compositions, how the snow glints under the streetlights.
Macro Economic Advisors, Moody's, they have assessed it, such as it is, and made that same point, even as they said that there are some positive proposals within it.
The decor, such as it is, dates back to its founding in the early 1900s and doesn't add up to much more than mirrors interspersed with Gothic columns and a pale tiled floor.
The integration, such as it is, has mostly consisted of arm's-length referrals of wealthy Schwab clients to U.S. Trust, which also makes some of its research available to select Schwab clients.
Each chapter of the glossy, colourful tome starts with a brief, self-described rant from Mr Peters, before moving on to the main narrative (such as it is) which is flanked on every page by sidebars containing quotes or one-point observations.
Unlike UK Prime Minister David Cameron, Mr Obama didn't feel the need to break his holiday and travel back to work, although he does have the excuse that he is taking a break, such as it is, in his own country.
While the WIldCharger wireless charging pad didn't quite make it's originally-promised release date, a helpful tipster has nonetheless managed to spend a bit of time with one, and he's thankfully provided us with some pics of the unit in action (such as it is).
ENGADGET: WildCharger wireless charger get the hands-on treatment
It is roughly as difficult to know what is going on inside such sites as it is to destroy them.
Xenon is released whenever uranium is enriched, such as when it is enriched for the core of a nuclear weapon.
Whereas being extremely big remains optional for photovoltaics, for thermal-solar companies such as BrightSource it is a must.
ECONOMIST: Some solar plants need to be big; most of them don��t
They do this by estimating the prices of the main characteristics of a house, such as whether it is detached or terraced.
Sentences which began with phrases such as 'It is no secret that...
Unlike the University of Pennsylvania study, Genzyme uses adenovirus in very controlled situations, such as when it is confined to an individual muscle.
The OFT says that as a matter of good practice, important information about the vehicle should be put on a checklist displayed in the vehicle, such as if it is ex-rental.
There are practical things to consider, such as checking it is not a duplicate and will it be easy for the emergency services, a taxi firm, or the post office to find it?
If a firm is headquartered in a country where trust is prevalent (such as Sweden), it is much more likely to decentralize its decision making than if it is headquartered in a country in which trust is rarer (such as India).
As such, it is a community-building as much as a resource-building exercise.
And as such it is forming one of the key pieces of evidence as ministers weigh up whether to push ahead with what would be a controversial policy.