Investors are hoping that its devices used by boaters and golfers and other sports enthusiast will replace sales of the suctioncup versions we all once used in cars.
Installs gone wrong certainly aren't all that uncommon, but the tale told by one VTECnical of the forum is undoubtedly a cut above the rest, and could well have you reconsidering that suctioncup option.
This isn't the Fling suctioncup add-on we're talking about here -- unless you're still rocking a pair of cargos, you're not going to simply slip the controller in your pocket and be on your merry way.
It comes with a miniature aerial (MCX), a rod aerial with magnetic base and removable suctioncup, a printed Quick Start Guide, and a USB charging cable (intended for use with the EyeTV Mobile battery, not designed to charge an iPad).