Most job seekers overlook the intelligence the job title provides and suffer for it.
Ellison counters that SAP moves too slowly to update for the Internet age and will suffer for it.
The Red Sox and the Yankees will become (relative) penny-pinchers and will suffer for it on the field.
No member of the Rangers' power-play units commands the sort of attention as Green or Ovechkin, and the Rangers suffer for it.
Each day my wife and I count ourselves lucky that we were ahead of our time and not made to suffer for it.
FORBES: He��s just an everyday kid, 16 year-old Jack Andraka
With every choice you make, there are irreversible implications, and if your choices guide you down a path not suited to your play style, you will suffer for it.
FORBES: Watch The New 'BioShock Infinite' Lamb of Columbia Trailer
It did not do wonders for anybody's political standing, because people's general attitude is, you know what, if the financial sector is behaving recklessly or not making good decisions, other folks shouldn't have to suffer for it.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s Press Conference on the G20 Summit
FORBES: A Conservative, Small-Government Strategy For Fighting Climate Change
The end of October 2011 will show whether it is prepared to suffer it for the future of Europe.
FORBES: The Eurozone Must Follow The U.K. To Resolve Its Crisis
We are also providing training to health care providers to help them recognize the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and care for those who suffer from it.
The MoD says it acknowledges some members of the armed forces suffer trauma and insists it has adequate procedures for dealing with the problem.
Robertson's box fiasco may seem like an unlikely way for a pro athlete to suffer a serious injury, but it doesn't come close to qualifying for the Hall of Fame of odd sports injuries.
But the cost and time may be well worth it for companies who can suffer thousands or millions of dollars in brand damage due to internet fraud.
Asking your dentist if you grind your teeth will hopefully make the sleep apnea diagnosis a little less daunting for the millions of people who suffer from it.
The World Health Organisation's recent World Mental Health Survey Initiative, which interviewed 89, 000 people, found that more than 120m people worldwide suffer from depression, and it is responsible for 850, 000 suicides each year.
But for those who suffer the chronic pain of arthritis, it is a hopeful start.
The question is counterintuitive but serious: Is it healthier for a great team to suffer a few defeats?
Is it something you'd like to do or is it going to suffer from budget cuts to pay for missions to the moon and further to Mars?
For human beings, it is much easier to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune when we believe that it is all part of a deeper, unfolding plan.
But if we block it (the bid) our media sector will suffer for years.
It is very frustrating for those of us who suffer from the consequences of inconsiderate parking.
"This is great news for the people of the DR Congo who had to suffer from the crimes of an ICC fugitive for too long, " it added.
And speaking of semiconductors, the most well-known home for them is also a major target for MEMS. It seems that PCs are beginning to suffer from arrested development.
It is a particular risk for young children, who suffer significant developmental problems if exposed to elevated lead levels.
"And it is high time that KBR begin to suffer real consequences for what I consider to be blatant contractual noncompliance, " Casey said.
CNN: Electric shocks came often at U.S. bases in Iraq, report finds
The Keynesian story goes like this- if there is collapse in private sector demand due to a failure of business confidence or some other economic shock, then rather than suffer unemployment and all the other negative consequences of recession it is possible for government through public spending to replace the lost demand and steer the economy back to full employment.
Although he expects the stock to suffer for some time from the recent bad-news events, he nontheless sees it recovering in due time.
FORBES: This Embattled, Crestfallen BioPharma Stock Is Seen As An Enticing Undervalued Buy
But it is very clear from her article that she will never suffer for the choices she makes because she will be sure she is happy.