But schizophrenics also suffer from depression and an inability to feel emotion--symptoms that existing anti-psychotic drugs don't treat.
Admitting I suffer from depression and anxiety has, at times, made me feel weak -- like I'm admitting defeat.
Many compulsive shoppers also suffer from depression, anxiety or eating disorders, and about half of them are also hoarders.
Today around 15% of people in developed countries suffer from depression, and the illness shows no sign of abating.
Victims of Borna disease virus (BDV) suffer from depression, exhaustion and walking difficulties.
People who suffer from depression symptoms are far more likely to fall ill with heart disease, a major research paper suggests.
Scientists at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have found that men who participate in artistic activities are less likely to suffer from depression.
According to published medical journals, many children with birthmarks develop psychological and self-esteem issues as well as suffer from depression and anxiety (especially in social situations).
The study found that adolescents with bedtimes that were set earlier by parents were significantly less likely to suffer from depression and to think about committing suicide.
Hoarders often suffer from depression, anxiety or impulse control problems.
FORBES: The Mysterious California Case of a Bank Robber Turned Explosives Hoarder
The Post article, titled "The Other Walter Reed, " said outpatients at the facility also include veterans who suffer from depression and were involved in overdoses and suicide attempts.
The World Health Organisation's recent World Mental Health Survey Initiative, which interviewed 89, 000 people, found that more than 120m people worldwide suffer from depression, and it is responsible for 850, 000 suicides each year.
But there was a fear that it deterred MPs from disclosing mental health problems or even seeking treatment - and since a quarter of adults would suffer from depression, it could discourage a large proportion of the population from seeking to serve.
Paul Farmer, chief executive of Mind, said computerised CBT was an important addition to the range of treatment options available for people who suffer from mild depression or anxiety.
Government statistics suggest that between seven and 10% of youngsters suffer from anorexia or depression.
Studies show that these children suffer from high rates of depression and anxiety.
This nullifies the myths about a lack of will-power or deficiency of character of those who can suffer the gamut from major depression to the terrible world of depressive stupor.
Many suffer from serious mental health conditions, including severe depression, flashbacks and suicidal thoughts, the report added.
The remaining third suffer from a variety of health problems, from physical disability to chronic depression.
When you suffer from a financial crisis that precipitates the worst recession since the Great Depression, the hole is quite deep.
At the same time, he was plagued by legal problems arising from his aggressive activism, and he was also known to suffer depression, a personal matter that he publicly revealed on his blog.
CNN: Internet prodigy, activist Aaron Swartz commits suicide
Two computer programmes have been approved for use in the NHS - Fear Fighter for treating people who have phobias or suffer from panic attacks, and Beating the Blues for treating people with mild to moderate depression.
They see that any restless boy can receive a diagnosis of attention deficit disorder, that troubled veterans whether exposed to combat or not are routinely said to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, and that enormous numbers of discouraged, demoralized people are labeled victims of depression and have medications pressed upon them.