First, national bureaucrats set a statutory minimum price that processors must pay farmers for sugar-cane.
By the 1950s it was running sugar-cane boards and making rubber, cement, mining materials and explosives.
Perversely, this actually worsens the cycle, because jaggery uses a little sugar-cane as one of its ingredients.
If America were truly serious about turning green it would lift the import taxes on Brazilian sugar-cane based ethanol.
Ms Landrieu said this policy (which the White House denied approving) would hurt Louisiana's sugar-cane farmers, and promised to fight it.
As a French colony, Haiti enjoyed fabulous riches from its sugar-cane crop.
It would also boost production of sugar-cane ethanol, which competes with petrol.
Although sugar-cane harvesting and grape-growing could now be done largely by machine, many farmers find it cheaper to hire foreign hands for the season.
Delegates in Mauritius this week drove by huge sugar-cane plantations.
He cited the U.S. subsidies for corn-based ethanol and tariffs on sugar cane-based ethanol from Brazil.
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The deluge has caused extensive damage to key crops - such as wheat, cotton and sugar cane - in a country where agriculture is an economic lynch-pin.
Gone were the primeval rainforests, replaced with mile after mile of sun-drenched sugar cane, and grand plantation houses that look lifted from Gone With The Wind (and indeed are occasionally used as movie sets).
The South Carolina-based company uses real sugar cane from Louisiana and has been so successful it now sells sweet-tea bourbon and peach tea vodka as well.
Australian beef producers will see the tariffs they face phased out slowly over 18 years - while the sugar cane industry has been left out altogether.
It had its own blacksmith shop, sawmill, a sugar cane and molasses mule-drawn mill, and we didn't want to see that lost.
The fire detonated a gas canister and the balloon plunged about 300 meters (1, 000 feet) to the ground, crashing in a sugar cane field outside al-Dhabaa village just west of Luxor, a security official said.
Sugar cane and beets are 6-8 times as productive for ethanol as corn.
He is a self-made businessman who owns Cultiba, a corporation that produces cane sugar and molasses, and distributes soft drinks in Mexico, including all Pepsi-brand drinks.
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The amped-up yeast can transform cane sugar into isobutanol as well.
The balloon then quickly gained altitude before the fire caused the gas canister to explode and it fell to the ground in a sugar cane field outside the village of al-Dhabaa, west of Luxor, an Egyptian security official said.
He admits that it is not simple to pull the sugars out of non-food material like pulp or wood waste, but says that even factoring in the extraction process, the final cost should be lower than using corn starch or sugar cane, both of which are much higher-priced commodities.
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Those that survived the journey would be sold to the plantation owners of the Caribbean and South and North America before the ships returned to the UK on the last leg of their journey carrying slave-produced goods such as coffee, tobacco, cotton and sugar cane.
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Not only are there strict rules against any harsh treatment of the animals, but also elephants may not play more than two 20-minute games a day and each animal is rewarded with sugar cane or rice balls full of molasses and rock salt after each match.
Sugar cane, which is planted in the summer, is a water-intensive crop and farmers may shift to other crops temporarily, industry executives said.
Farmers soak up about 85% of the border region's scarce water, and on the semi-arid land on both sides they grow thirsty cash crops like sugar cane.
It is nonsensical for the deficit-ridden U.S. government to subsidize corn-derived ethanol while imposing punitive tariffs on imports of Brazilian ethanol made from sugar cane.
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In KwaZulu-Natal, a dispute over land owned by the mixed-race descendants of a Scottish settler has led to annual arson attacks on their fields of sugar cane.
When the case eventually goes to trial, both sides undoubtedly will have well-credentialed experts offering completely opposite opinions on the health risks of corn syrup vs. cane sugar.
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