Mr Sharma says using sugar syrup for pest control is not a new practice.
BBC: The drink is mixed with water and sprayed on to the crops
Once the stuff is in America, Heartland reverses the process to produce precisely the sort of sugar syrup covered by the tariffs.
Like a cocktail expert, I would press my herbs into sugar syrup to capture the fragrance of their volatile oils linalool, eugenol, citral, thujone, camphor.
Senator Breaux is trying to slip in an amendment to a trade bill for Africa and the Caribbean Basin that would change the definition of the sugar syrup to one of ultimate use, rather than what it is imported.
It started when Vandy grads and Georgia debutantes decided they wanted an extra kick in their beloved sweet tea (black tea sweetened with sugar, simple syrup or some other saccharine potion).
Indeed, if I were to describe the sugar, corn syrup and pectin lozenge that, above all others, might conjure Proustian memories of childhood Easters, it would be the purple jelly bean.
"All of the candy on the market contains sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, a form of sugar that doesn't digest well in the body, " says Armand Hammer (no relation to the late industrialist), president and chief executive of privately held Innovative Candy Concepts .
Birch sap overall has a much lower sugar content than maple syrup, however.
Some of the products sold as honey have been bulked up by sugar, water and corn syrup.
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Make a simple syrup by boiling sugar and water together for five minutes.
When the case eventually goes to trial, both sides undoubtedly will have well-credentialed experts offering completely opposite opinions on the health risks of corn syrup vs. cane sugar.
FORBES: The Sugar-y Sweet Temptation Of Anti-Competitive Lawsuits
The large doses of fructose from both sucrose (table sugar) and high fructose corn syrup may be particularly detrimental to your health as they can cause the accumulation of metabolically toxic belly fat, cholesterol abnormalities -- including high triglycerides and reduced levels of HDL (good cholesterol) -- and nonalcoholic associated fatty liver disease.
The hormone, MPA, could have been in glucose syrup sold by the bankrupt sugar waste processor Bioland, based in Belgium.
The peel must infuse for three or four days in alcohol, then we add a syrup of cold water and sugar.
All sugar from table sugar to HFCS (high-fructose corn syrup) to honey contains some mixture of fructose and glucose.
But this is like saying the market has freely chosen to sweeten products using high fructose corn syrup while ignoring corn subsidies and sugar tariffs.
Incidentally, it is also a popular region in which to visit one of Connecticut's sugar houses, producing Connecticut's famous maple syrup.
Corn syrup is now more common in processed foods, but sugar remains a perennial favorite.
Syrup is big business in Maine between late February and mid-April, when conditions are just right for sugar makers to extract sap from maples and boil it down to syrup over wood fires.
No one has scientifically proven that high-fructose corn syrup--the cheap and supersweet concoction that has all but replaced sugar in most leading brands of soda and other foods--is the primary cause of the so-called obesity epidemic in the United States.