How many carbon credits in a blanket of ash and a few trillion tons of Sulphur dioxide worth?
The main pollutant, sulphur dioxide, was linked to coal burning which was said to have reached exceptional levels.
Sulphur dioxide pollution in America has been cut by a successful cap-and-trade system.
What about easing controls on sulphur dioxide emissions, another idea floated this week?
In the meantime, however, China is struggling to meet its set environmental targets, including reducing sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions.
The trouble is that this applies only to some pollutants, such as sulphur dioxide, but not to others, such as carbon dioxide.
Before being plucked from obscurity, he had enjoyed a respectable career as a chemistry teacher (sulphur dioxide was his speciality) at a technical university in the grim industrial south.
Dr Alamaro wants to use a gas-burning, rather than a coal- or oil-burning plant, because the exhaust produced by burning natural gas is free from sulphur dioxide, which plants hate.
It involves pumping sulphur dioxide into the upper atmosphere.
The success of pollution taxes in Europe and of emissions-trading systems for sulphur dioxide in America show that these are a far better way of encouraging innovation than technology mandates or direct subsidies.
The authors go to great lengths to describe how rogue thinkers at Intellectual Ventures hope to build a hose into the sky (suspended by large helium balloons) that spews sulphur dioxide constantly into the atmosphere.
Cheap gas and environmental legislation under the Clean Air Act, aimed at emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxide and mercury (but not carbon dioxide) from dirty coal plants, accelerated a trend that is set to continue.
The new rule required about half the states to reduce their emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and other emissions based on projections of how many pollutants were crossing state lines, and told them how to do it.
Geography weighs differently: a tonne of sulphur dioxide emitted in a big city may cause more harm than the same tonne emitted in a rural area, while a dollar's-worth of output counts the same wherever it is produced.
It is not even that there are good reasons to believe that sulphur dioxide dispersed in the stratosphere could drastically disrupt rainfall patterns in ways that could no better be modelled with existing knowledge than next month's cloud cover.
It said that exposure to the smoke from the pyres can exacerbate the symptoms of asthma, and that people less than half a kilometre from even small pyres may be exposed to high concentrations of irritants such as sulphur dioxide.
That means shipowners who wish to ply these waters will have to stop using bunker fuel (the cheap stuff left over once petrol, diesel and aviation fuel have been distilled from crude oil) to power their vessels because burning it produces too much sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and soot.
America has had great success cutting sulphur-dioxide emissions, which are a precursor to acid rain, through a domestic trading scheme that may be a good model for any Kyoto-inspired carbon trading.
Mr Sandor helped design the sulphur-dioxide emissions exchange.
America was heavily involved in the design of the Kyoto protocol, and insisted that it should include the possibility of a market in emissions credits, on the ground that its trading scheme to reduce sulphur-dioxide emissions had been a big success.
Yet at hot springs and thermal spas where radon typically is found in the air or water along with carbon dioxide, sulphur gases and trace elements of other minerals, health-seekers sing its praises.
Six greenhouse gases are reported on: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulphur hexafluoride.