Those words buried deep in the Leveson Report seem to summarise the judge's view.
Mr Hilton seems less willing to generalise, summarise, or prioritise, more keen to pack in the detail.
Some, such as Morningstar in America, summarise past performance in star ratings, as if managers were restaurants.
In the appeal court last week, Lord Justice Ward attempted to summarise the case from a religious viewpoint.
In attempting to summarise the century in a page, the introduction only highlights that this cannot be done.
Documents seen by Inside Out summarise inspection reports from homes across the UK which list a series of concerns.
Elections, to summarise this calculation, are fought not between competing answers to the same question but rather between competing questions.
With Twitter becoming more and more popular, there's now a drive to succinctly summarise a hot topic with the perfect hashtag.
Apart from its pervasive, outrageous humour, the novel is hard to summarise.
The power of British judges to summarise evidence to juries, virtually directing verdicts in some cases, would seem outrageous to many Americans.
An ambitious project aims to track down all the 4, 000 to 5, 000 surviving letters, catalogue and summarise them online and, where possible, include scans.
BBC: Search for Alfred Russel Wallace's 19th Century letters
The form is used to summarise the performance of public companies.
According to its website, Wavii claims that the basic idea behind its service is to summarise everything that users care about into a customised news feed on the lines of a Facebook wall.
Elliot no longer felt anything, and although he could summarise the choices available in a given situation as well as anyone else, without his emotions to guide him he could not actually make a choice.
To summarise: the upheaval for almost the entire British banking industry would be immense, if retail banking is defined narrowly, and would be restricted to Barclays and RBS (and to an extent HSBC), if retail banking is defined broadly.
But I'm aiming at something rather simpler here - to try and summarise for my own understanding what it is that makes the majority of the British tick, warts and all, and how this compares with the state of affairs in other countries, like Germany, for example.
BBC: NEWS | Europe | Letter: Europe's stereotypes need rethinking
Now there's a sequence to it but it all has to happen, in effect if I can summarise it, you have to have an end to violence before you can begin negotiations but you have to have negotiations in a political context in order to maintain a cessation of violence.
With the help of my colleagues who didn't miss a word, I'll try and summarise as best I can some often complex exchanges - but the upshot is that one of the key aspects of the Bill which has dogged it from the very first may now have to be rewritten before it's brought back to the Assembly for a vote.