Watching sumo, among the most amusing moments is the post-match interview with the winner.
In 1999 his company published "SUMO" by photographer Helmut Newton, which weighed 78 pounds.
For Moriyama's citizens, the Education Ministry's rejection of sumo was tantamount to cultural treason.
In 2007 the tabloids broke the allegations of match-fixing in sumo wrestling, the national sport.
In fact, he turned his back on a career in sumo wrestling to write.
The livedoor-Fuji battle, the Yumeshin bid and the mega-bank sumo-wrestling match illustrate three important developments.
Then, at age 22, Dagvadorj Dolgorsurengiin began investing his sumo winnings back home in Mongolia.
For its part, the Education Ministry claims it's not against sumo, even though it doesn't provide public funding.
They did the kimono-robe-wearing and sumo-wrestler-costumed party-goers the immense favor of obscuring their faces in the photos.
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Of the boys called for sumo duty, Yosuke Uozumi is the brightest hope.
Monday, 21 February: Miles Kane at Square One in Crewe, supported by Crewe's own Sumo Kings and Iron Door Club.
In 2002 the impeccably sober American Economic Review published a paper co-written by Mr Levitt on corruption and sumo wrestling.
Add divided government to the mix and 2011 is likely to feel a bit like the preliminaries of a sumo match.
In May, the school raised money for a roof over its sumo ring, enabling kids to practice during the summer rains.
Most new recruits are scouted at the age of 15, straight from high school, and come to sumo in search of glory and wealth.
Though that requires you to stretch the definition of enterprise as much as a pair of bicycle tights on a sumo wrestler.
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Amid the pushing and shoving in lines, the future sumo champion earned a reputation for ensuring that the elderly got their bread.
So Dagvadorj began sumo wrestling in 1999, at the age of 18.
So the dynamic here is like Sumo wrestling: two big guys grappling with each other, lots of ritual stares and grunts, little movement.
"When I get in the sumo ring I feel like a man, " he says, slapping his shoulders to psyche himself up for practice.
Because their dominant culture of 99% defect-free operational excellence squashes any attempts at innovation just like a Sumo wrestler sitting on a small gymnast.
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Instead, they while away wintry days with impromptu wrestling matches and cheer on Dejima, a Moriyama alumnus who has reached sumo's second-highest rank, ozeki.
Tata Motors has increased the prices of its Sumo, Safari and Aria models by between 7, 500 rupees and 11, 000 rupees to offset higher costs.
But Masato and the eight other boys who crowd onto the swept-earth ring at Moriyama elementary school in central Japan may be sumo's best hope.
Together, the future of sumo clapped their hands, not to honor the Shinto gods, but simply to signal the start of some good, dust-kicking fun.
In 1995, baseball actually surpassed sumo as Japan's most popular sport.
And, however improbably, women have started a sumo circuit as well.
You know, fly a big twin-engine, 600hp Beech Baron that eats avgas by the half ton and burps carbon dioxide like a sumo wrestler on yeast pills.
Just as boxers suffer brain damage, so sumo wrestlers often pay the price for years of gorging on chankonabe, their special high-calorie pork, potato and anything-else-in-the-refrigerator stew.
This is like Sumo wrestling: big guys straining for advantage.