The Democrats took a highly controversial step in that direction when they adopted the Super Delegates, but that is no answer.
FORBES: With Their Conventions, Republicans and Democrats Whistle Past the Graveyard
Mr. DAVID SHUSTER (Correspondent, MSNBC): Bill, there's just something a little bit unseemly to me that Chelsea's out there calling up celebrities, saying support my mom, and she's apparently also calling these super delegates.
NPR: Barack Obama's Big Weekend
With her rival gradually accumulating pledges of support from the Super Delegates - the members of the party hierarchy who look set to decide the outcome of the nomination race - she badly needs a similar result in Pennsylvania.
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Put simply, there are enough unpledged delegates and super delegates on the Republican side that if consolidation toward Governor Romney appears to be clear and inevitable, he could well get support from delegates not currently elected or pledged to him, as the process winds towards May and perhaps June.
FORBES: Tomorrow's TWO Likely Winners: Mitt Romney...and President Obama
Even now she says she hopes the party's officials - the super-delegates - will change their mind and back her instead.
BBC: US Democrats fight on to the end
Once you've filled in the popular vote breakdown, you can predict super-delegates.
FORBES: Magazine Article
If he does as well as expected in Tuesday's contests - where 31 elected delegates are at stake - he will need to pick up only a handful of endorsements from the remaining uncommitted "super-delegates" - party officials with a free choice over who to support - to pass the winning post.
BBC: Obama 'to win' party nomination
"I would like to see a much tougher approach to the windfalls on property and land values enjoyed by the super rich, " he told delegates.
New York's Democratic primary is Tuesday, one of 10 presidential nominating contests around the country that day, aka Super Tuesday, when 1, 151 delegates are up for grabs.
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In the all-important Super Tuesday contests, McCain took at least 504 delegates, compared to 175 for Romney and 141 for Huckabee.
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Ohio is one of 10 states holding contests on "Super Tuesday" on March 2, the biggest single day on the Democratic nomination calendar, with 1, 151 delegates up for grabs.
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